There are plenty of great apps to keep track of your running mileage, and a clear winner when it comes to cycling (St…
There are plenty of great apps to keep track of your running mileage, and a clear winner when it comes to cycling (St…
Electric arc lighters are so...hot right now. But this model from Tacklife is about the size of a USB flash drive,…
if you create a climate where people think you’re a criminal, you can be treated criminally
Why yes, I am “still holding on to” the phone I’ve had for...a year and a half.
I’ve returned stuff to Best Buy for cash back plenty of times without ID. As long as I had a receipt it wasn’t an issue. I’ve never been asked for ID with a receipt at any of the stores I shop at. And if they did ask me for a ID with a receipt, it would be the last time I spent my money at that store.
I’ve not tried the B&W PX headphones yet, but really want to. Visited at least 7 Best Buy stores during the last few months, just to try a demo and get a sense of their sound, yet at every single store the display was broken. Disappointing to say the least and also too bad for Best Buy because I was looking to buy if…
I’ve not tried the B&W PX headphones yet, but really want to. Visited at least 7 Best Buy stores during the last few…
If you could get by with like 75% of the noise cancellation of the QC35's but with much better sound quality (as good as the P7's), the B&W PX’s would be a good buy as essentially you’ll be able to replace 2 headphones (which both have decent resale value if you want to sell them) with one pair of headphones
If you could get by with like 75% of the noise cancellation of the QC35's but with much better sound quality (as…
B&O H7 sounds great (especially for $200, holy cow), but the B&W P7 Wireless headphones are definitely superior when it comes to sound quality. Also, neither the H7 nor the P7 have active noise cancellation. That being said, the P7 does a slightly better job with isolating noise from the outside world — passively. The…
B&O H7 sounds great (especially for $200, holy cow), but the B&W P7 Wireless headphones are definitely superior when…
These don’t have active noise cancelling either, I doubt their passive noise isolation would be any better than the P7s. The PX are good, great sound quality, but the noise cancelling is a noticeable step behind Bose or Sony’s 2nd gen 1000X
These don’t have active noise cancelling either, I doubt their passive noise isolation would be any better than the…
To be fair to Seagate, the high failure rate was mostly associated with the 3 and 4 TB drives. The 6 TB and 8 TB appear to have been greatly improved. The 4 TB drives were seeing over 35% failure rates. The 6 TB drives are under 1% failure and the 8 TB are under 2%. That said, they are low price consumer drives. If…
To be fair to Seagate, the high failure rate was mostly associated with the 3 and 4 TB drives. The 6 TB and 8 TB…
A high-end office chair! I sit for 12 hours straight and I’ve had back surgery. Prior to getting my Herman Miller Mirra 2 chair I could only sit 2 or 3 hours at a time. With this chair I can sit 12 plus hours with no problem. It was the best investment ever!http://store.hermanmiller.com/office/office-chairs/mirra-2-tas…
Bank of America has ShopSafe, there is a link on their website. They have it as a secure way of shopping online. I’m not sure if all cards offer it. In a pinch, you could use a nearly empty Visa gift card too.
I use temporary credit card numbers with limits set up through my credit card’s website. Usually you can make the limit $1 which is what they usually temporarily charge to your card to make sure it is legitimate. Then when they attempt to charge you for that first month, it gets declined. This is also good for…
I don’t expect it, but it’s nice when it happens. My friend is someone who won’t do it and went on a date with a girl to whom I told this fact, and yet she got super mad when he didn’t do so.
I grew up in South America, where benevolent sexism is kind of baked in: You’re taught to “take care of” the women in your life, including paying for stuff when you go on a date. It’s archaic, but I still offer, even though I live in the US now.
But while I now live in a society where sharing expenses is more common, I…
If I “take someone” to a meal — date (heh) or otherwise — I go into it assuming I’m paying. But if they offer to split it, I would typically let them. There is a certain power dynamic in paying for someone’s meal. Insisting on paying for someone’s meal isn’t necessarily better than insisting they pay for yours. It…
It’s the norm now, but I’m old school as well. I offered to pay on all my dates. Only one girl adamantly insisted she split the check. We went on three or four more dates and she paid her half every time. Neither of us felt a “spark”, so we ended up being friends.
These lights are wonderful. My cousin Eugene was in a coma for three years. We got him a Philips wake up light for his third comaversary and the next morning he woke up for the first time in years (3). He got up, took a leak, and went back to sleep. What an asshole.
These lights are wonderful. My cousin Eugene was in a coma for three years. We got him a Philips wake up light for…
I have the super expensive model from a few years ago that I haven’t used in, oh, 2.5 years because the ‘buttons’ to set the thing are so damn confusing that trying to set the alarm is so maddening that you can’t sleep for an hour until you stop seething. Note: this is a common complaint about these lights, and I…
I have the super expensive model from a few years ago that I haven’t used in, oh, 2.5 years because the ‘buttons’ to…
As a former competitive gymnast in the state of Michigan this does not surprise me one bit. Geddert was known to be terrible to his gymnasts, and even being a competitor in the same arena I knew and saw from a young age that he was someone who was prone to yelling at his gymnasts, throwing things, etc. I remember my…