Love this photo - I think this image encapsulates completely what this marriage must feel like to her :)
Love this photo - I think this image encapsulates completely what this marriage must feel like to her :)
classy reporter as well..... this is all blowing up in their face. Sketchy from the start and an unfortunate tangent to the real movement.
I think the “victim” train has left the station and is on schedule. From the NY Post article: ‘ Barber has been getting threatening phone calls in response to the videos, which “came out of nowhere,” she said. (not condoning phone call threats)
Jesus Christ, your post sounds more like a MRA with a an excessive bitterness towards women judging from your comment history - I’m guessing you’re used to quite a bit of rejection from women thus the unhealthy amount of misogynistic attitude towards them?
I have two of these - but wanted to ask other users who use this; do you notice a lag when it is first “woken” up from sleep (non-use for a few minutes). I do with both, and though I find it great with all it’s other features, it is an annoyance, and something I haven’t experienced with cheaper mice
I have two of these - but wanted to ask other users who use this; do you notice a lag when it is first “woken” up…
you talked to them directly? I am in the same boat - I couldn’t do it thru the website but was going to call them and tell them to tack it on to my current subscription which ends in July 2018. Guess it won’t work? :) dang it
you talked to them directly? I am in the same boat - I couldn’t do it thru the website but was going to call them…
in the same boat as well. I still have 6 months left with my current subscription and when I tried to add 2 years, it made it effective today. Whatever cost savings you get, I think you lose some if you have a current subscription unless you are at the end of the contract
in the same boat as well. I still have 6 months left with my current subscription and when I tried to add 2 years,…
A little bit of both I presume
I route all my calls through Google Voice. Though it’s not exact all the time, it does at least about 80% of the time identify spam calls. For the ones that get through, I tend to add them to my blocked callers (google voice has this feature) so I never receive calls from that number. Also, my general rule is not to…
her father is an attorney in the area. I assume he’s laying the groundwork for self-defense or throwing into the public sphere prior to the trial their story to “muddy the water”
I had these until I upgraded to the Belkin Wemo Mini.
I had these until I upgraded to the Belkin Wemo Mini.
I am renting a condo (about 1000 sq feet). I notice every winter my bill nearly doubles. I do have quite a number of gadgets (electronics) that are plugged in, but I am usually diligent about turning things off (lights, any appliances I am not losing - coffee makers, etc. stay plugged in). I have electric heat/cool…
- adding that the egg and grapefruit imagery, “regardless of the context, seems inappropriate.”