
Well each guests is charged like $10,000 a day (or was it $40k?), I imagine that easily pays for people to clean up every day for every guest.

I think it’s obvious that they don’t all reset every night. If they did there couldn’t be multi-day plot lines and such. Seems like some are on a loop where they end up resetting every day, some are on their own plot lines, and some get involved with guests. After all we already saw on the most recent episode that

Oh man this is totally not at all how I feel about the show. I am fairly attached to all the main characters and am very invested in what happens. The mystery of the park has also fascinated and I seriously can’t wait until each new episode.

“Old school JRPG junkies will love the lengthy dungeons packed with random encounters”

MOST of the time is going a bit far. I’d say it’s the opposite actually, most PC ports are fine. The problem is no one remembers the good ports, they just remember the high profile crap like Batman. Gears of War 4 runs great on PC as does Battlefield 1 (from my experience so far).

Looks kind of like it was based on a board game

I don’t really remember it being a big factor in the marketing for that phone though whereas for just about every marketing shot for the S7 had it wet some how ;). Could just be misremembering it though, I didn’t actually own an S5.

Nah it was the Galaxy S7 that really did it

I wasn’t aware women were drafted!

Lol just noticed the notification for this. What an amazing response, thanks for the laugh

Really dude you need to resort to a personal attack? Obviously this “debate” has run its course

What if someone at the flea market were selling something that broke the law, or displaying pornographic or disturbing images? What if the shop owner was spewing swear words at everyone walking by? If the flea market owner did nothing at all then they would be at fault just like the shop owner.

Because Apple historically has been super conservative about adopting new tech standards like this (at least ones they don’t make themselves). It took an extra year or two for them to put AC Wifi receivers in their products vs Android for example. In this case 4k standards still aren’t totally finalized, and they

Yeah I don’t see what’s creepy about this either. Android has been able to unlock itself for years from a face scan and it hasn’t been an issue. For AI to become a thing that can interact with us facial recognition is pretty much required.

It’s almost like being a CEO makes you more visible to the public and you have to be more careful about what you do with your personal life!

They are only “lunatic attributions” because the man himself says these things. There is video proof of Trump saying racist things. His campaign is running on building a freaking wall. He literally has said he will deport 11 million people. He has literally said he wants to ban people coming into our country based on

Ok here’s an analogy I think is relevant: let’s say Wal-Mart decided to not restrict the videos they sell, or they implemented some kind of automatic system to check them all. Let’s say some malicious person decided to release some hard core torture porn and package it as a kids film, maybe they even packaged it in

Yeah so why don’t they hire some people with skills to run Steam? I just don’t get it.

Way to miss the point

Man....the more I read about Steam and Valve the more I dislike the company. At this point I feel like EA with Origin is a more honest place which is crazy. Valve just seems to rely on their data and automation way too much and I just don’t get it. It’s not like they couldn’t afford to hire some people to get curate