ronin-cse This kind of looks like everything I have disliked about the last few FFs and the KH series put together. Namely terrible cutesy voices, KH looking characters (not a fan of the art style), chibi style cute characters (ewww), and Tidus........We’ll see if the reviews can sway me but not excited for this

Some examples of your claims would be nice

Something ever cooler about artifacts is NPCs sometimes comment on them! I haven’t had it happen to me but I say a blue dragon guard tell a death knight with his unholy artifact to stay away from the sick leader blue dragon in Azuros (probably mispelled that) because the weapon was filled with disease.

I did the exact same thing

Why on earth would you want this?

That seems like TON of effort to put into a hoax, especially something kind of unexciting like a slim version (I would think a hoaxer would do a NEO or something). Also 3d printing an entire console with that detail is a bit different from a controller.

......I feel like you’re missing the point here

I think you’re looking at it backwards. They are abandoning their home console line and sticking with their handheld line

Well he says in the article that Nintendo games ARE boring, which when compared to modern games is in fact true according to what you’re saying.

Changed to be more critical of boring games! ;)

Hold on a of the new Evangelion movies is getting delayed!?!!? SHOCKING!!!

Yeah I’m sure you have never spent money on something that’s not “important” right? It’s a hobby and as long as one enjoys it it’s fine. Just because someone buys something that you don’t think is worthwhile doesn’t make them stupid. I am sure there are plenty of people who consider anyone who buys a video game,

So don’t really watch most streams but at least I understand the appeal...watching someone else eat for hours..........I just don’t get it

I think he meant that they can do what they want because it’s not like someone from Ford is there to stop them. Ford may get upset over the stripper campaign, but the dealership could still start it and get away with it for awhile.

Complete idiot because they didn’t know you can’t use a picture from a wallpaper site? That’s not some common knowledge that every single person learns. Most of us on this site probably do because we’re online all the time, but lacking that experience doesn’t make someone a complete idiot.

I feel like this point will never actually sink in. Good on you for trying though ;)

So I love anime and I love video games, but other than Tifa and the Sailor Moon ones I don’t recognize who any of these are :(

This is the kind of article that makes me ashamed to actually play video games. If people like this call themselves gamers I certainly don’t want to be associated in any sense with them.

They did an amazing job with this. I have a GeForce 760 and I run it on Ultra at 1080p (lowered the AA a notch) at 60+fps.

Well they did in fact totally change the setting. The new version is a bit different but it’s much easier to get into than classic warhammer. Also IMO the lore is way more interesting, I liked the warhammer stuff but it was basically a rip off of Lord of the rings.