
I don’t get why people defend Valve so much anymore. Steam is a decent service and everything but really what does Valve do that’s so different from any other company now? At least if I buy something from Amazon I can actually expect real customer service instead of whatever automated crap Valve does.

To be fair at least EA and Activision actually release games

Ummmm totally agree actually. The TR story wasn’t great but I enjoyed the gameplay better.

I’m sorry to say it but I’m not a fan of the sounds like the into to a 90s sitcom. I’ll really miss the last intro.

Sooooo youtube celebrities are upset that they have to deal with the same problems that other celebrities deal with? Honestly I have the same amount of sympathy and I have the same advice: if one doesn’t enjoy the sacrifices required to be a celebrity there is nothing stopping them from quitting. Mostly true for the

It’s times like this that I really hate video game culture and this really makes me ashamed to be a gamer. Seriously stuff like this makes me want to just give up on the whole scene.

Ummmm how come none of the news outlets (other than Game Informer) have pointed out that the “denial” doesn’t really deny the rumor. They are saying they won’t stop production in the next quarter, and the rumor says they will stop production end of 2016.

I still love that people think calling someone an SJW is supposed to be an insult. Doesn’t make sense to me.

Or Wal-Mart not selling music CDs with explicit lyrics (I have no idea if they still have this restriction, but they did). They aren’t censoring the music, they are just choosing what they are comfortable selling.

The content creators aren’t having their vision modified, they are modifying it themselves in order to make more sales on a bigger platform. It’s like when a movie is altered to get a PG-13 rating instead of an R rating in order to get more sales.

Why do people always call this censorship, or why do people get all up in arms about this? It’s no different than changing things in movies in order to get a better rating.

The motorcycle guy is obviously a huge douche, but to be fair he does call 911 a bit later. Not sure what else he’s supposed to do, would you prefer him to reach in and grab the old guy out?

As much as I like the Persona series, I’m still a massive FF fanboy so I gotta go with FFXV.

Oh man this is great. I’m totally voting for Undertale. It most certainly isn’t the best game ever and IMO shouldn’t have won most of those polls, but I just want to see all the bitching from all the annoying gamefaqs users who think they are the “real” gamers. Love it.

Well it sounds like (from the extremely limited information we have) that CD Projekt Red’s next game will be in a similar setting. Can’t wait to see more!

I’m fairly confident that they already did quite a bit when it was first rumored to not be releasing here

I had the same thought until I realized that the remaster is only $20 normally. Sure that's more than 25% off, but on the other hand it's only $6 savings

I had a different brand of headphones (Sol) that had similar buttons that worked fine with my Lumia 928. Can't guarantee these ones will work with your phone but they PROBABLY will

A link in the article would have been nice

Go play the Baldur's Gate series then, except they have the same content but more quality ;)