Yeah here’s the secret: you aren’t play the game wrong
Yeah here’s the secret: you aren’t play the game wrong
Oh......oh no
Epic’s client should try to be genuinely better for the customer. GOG offers DRM-free sales, for example, which is a legitimate draw for customers.
Finishing up getting geared for the WoW BfA raid which opens on the 4th and playing Yakuza 0...until I get distracted by something else of course!
You really just need to spend like 5 minutes (probably less) in the Steam forums to see just how awful they are and how much of a sanctuary they are for alt-right sympathizers. Other than 4chan (obviously) I can’t think of a worse video game community (yes including Reddit)...maybe current NeoGaf? I dunno haven’t been…
Honestly 104 degrees F doesn’t sound THAT crazy hot to me
What keyboard is it?
I have no idea if I’ll agree with his review or not, but seriously read the article: he said he’s about 20 hours in
Well yeah but then why doesn’t women and black characters fall under a suspension of disbelief thing?
“AIDS Simulator has been removed from Steam, presumably because it violated Valve’s still-nebulous rules around “straight up trolling.””
I’m sorry was this actually a surprise to anyone? It’s a F2P game based on a major franchise, par for the course at this point
I dunno...I started playing games online when I was like 13 years old with Quake 2 and I don’t, and have never, called people names online. These are still people who should be able to control themselves, they should be held responsible for their actions
Why a top “12"??
Welcome to FFXV!!!
I pretty much just use Google Keep for all this kind of thing and haven’t found a good reason to switch. Tried Evernote but didn’t seem like it did anything better. Is Bear a step up from Keep?
All this has made me realize how much I hate “YouTube GamerCulture” and how freaking stupid it all is.
Really it’s SJWs over reacting? He paid some poor people to hold up a sign saying one of the most racist phrases around. Obviously it was in poor taste and I guess it wasn’t malicious but still, you can’t just do whatever the hell you want with no repercussions. I have no sympathy at all for this kid.
So what’s your point? Should Kotaku not preview anything?
Ok....I really dislike Trump and all that but come on, this isn’t plagiarism at all, they are just talking about similar concepts.
It really seems that way....I guess they just don’t make enough profit off of Steam to bother