
Considering this particular niche seems to be a decent MMO that feels like a Final Fantasy game I fail to see what other games have filled it.

Yup if by a certain type of player you mean: "many many more players than any other type of MMO" and by decline you mean: "still has more players than just about every other MMO combined and actually GAINED players with the last expansion" then sure.

Actually could you dig up an article or two saying that? Not that I don't believe you (I do) but I would just like to read them for the laughs :)

I love it how people complain that since the iPhone 5 is too light it is somehow more likely to break if dropped.....ummmmm fail at a basic understanding of how gravity works?

I get Android phones since I like to tinker with them so it's not like I'm an Apple fan boy here, but what is the reasoning for saying welcome to 2011? It seems like the screen quality and specs are equal if not better to all the newest Android phones out now, is it simply because of the screen size? Or are you all

Ok did I watch a different video or something? The iPhone 5 doesn't shatter at all and I just watched the end a second time to make sure I didn't miss something.

Oh TYVM for this tip, I kept punching in the entire number and have been wondering why FedEx still had no information. Popped up right away without the first number.

And the ultimate irony is that both those beers are brewed in Canada! (at least the ones sold in the US)

"We could really use a new Metroid game. Looking forward to one on the N64." is easily my favorite

Yeah I just don't understand this whole waiting in line for days thing either...if you were that hard core about getting an iPhone why wouldn't you have just stayed up late and preordered one online? I mean if someone can stand in line for days I would imagine staying up wouldn't be a big problem for them.

If you're on an LTE network you can do both, but you still can't if you're just in a 3G area

I dunno I have been messing with different media players for awhile now but to be perfectly honest I just love Window Media Player's interface the best. I do use media monkey to clean up my tags and file names though.

Yeah but the point is that most developers aren't being all that negative about Win 8, mostly just the ones that also have their own distribution platforms.

"The Pandas of World of Warcraft are to the Orks of Warhammer 40K"

This is probably the best thing I have read all day...well maybe tied for best (the review of the Sony "smart" watch on Gizmodo was awesome as well). IMO things like these are the closest many of us will come to understand how it feels to have a drug addiction. You know it will make you feel horrible soon but you just

@uncutlateralus: weird it's almost like most of the user base is in North America...

Aka Activision gave an extra bonus to someone at gamespot.

@Jandau: Yeah you have a very good and terrifying point....

@Batman: Holy crap it's been 12 years since half-life!? Wow