
Oh damn I forgot about the impact hammer! I love that weapon

@Dexter_: The usual problem with Mass Effect 2 players is that, you don't normally respond to problems thinking "What would i do in that situation?" No. You immediatly think "Which answer would help me get laid with the hot alien?"

@rebann: Yeah I have to agree with this. If the game lasted like 4 hours and then they released all the dlc that would be different, but these games are some of the longest out there.

@Eruanno: I was personally hoping for the Reaper...which I guess is kind of a rogue AI so you would both be right :)

Arg that was the reason why I didn't replay through the game a ton more after I beat it because I was expecting trophies....grrrrr

@resvrgam: I don't really know in what way or how but I disagree with your previous post :p

@SewerShark: Very good point that people just seem to ignore.

@resvrgam: Oh yeah well I spoke to his mom and she said he's a compulsive liar :p

@R0bster: Is that per player?

Hahahaha suck it!

@Lanbeast: Some of us have been waiting to see where the story goes for the last decade and were really disappointed that we were left with another cliff hanger and no idea of how long it will be until the next "game"

@arionfrost: No really upset about the points on 1 and 3, I am however not in agreement about number 2. You what other games I paid full price for? Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Dawn of War, etc...actually costed less than SC2 and had WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY less development time and had WAAAAYYYY more single player

To all you people arguing against the author's point: you are all wrong, americans are the devil and we are always wrong. We are horrible because we think that these (to us completely obviously looking white) characters are our ethnicity and not their's.

@resvrgam: While they both have horns the styles are totally different. Same for the gauntlets and boots and such. Just because they have the same pieces of clothing doesn't mean blizz ripped off the style of the character. Spider-man and superman have a lot of the same pieces of clothing, doesn't mean marvel ripped

@resvrgam: Ok the dragon aspect queen thing is suspect, but no I don't see a whole lot of similarity between them other than they are both fantasy styled.

@resvrgam: Other than the fact that they are both in bikinis I don't see how blizz ripped that character off.

That was pretty sweet...wonder if someone will end up making a warcraft game with the editor? As in a RTS warcraft game using the starcraft engine.

@comtar: And you have to murder it in cold blood in order to continue?

@Xagest: The key is to get married to someone who also thinks a replica of Frostmourne would look badass :)

I went on a mine tour a couple weeks ago and we were really only like 15 feet down and although it wasn't really scary, just thinking about working like that would be horrible. I can't imagine what it would be like to be trapped down there for months. I wish them the best of luck!