Roni Jones

It’s like when you start thinking about the mechanics of walking and trip on your own foot.

LOL, well, if he wondered why his is so visible, I guess there’s his answer! He’s not doing the maintenance to keep it down.

If you can’t afford to tip appropriately, you can’t afford to eat out.

I am not a particularly hairy person, but I do have pretty dark hair. I have been shaving my upper lip ever since I first smelled the scent of Nair wafting from my mother's bathroom. That stuff smells like rotting fruit mixed with death chemicals. I am not putting that on my face, never mind under my nose.

Artificial wombs? Pfft! Total cop out. Just implant those precious snowflake babies right in their dicks. There’s a convenient little hole already there. Then they can gestate and give birth. They need to have some skin in the game before they get veto power.

By his logic, I can just void his birth certificate and get him kicked out of the country, right? Because who cares if they determined on paper that he was born here, why should that determine whether or not he gets to stay?

“What they determined on paper should not determine the fate of a child.”

You know what? If a dude said, “I want this baby, and I know you don’t, so I won’t hold you responsible for any aspect of being a parent,” and THEN could carry that fetus to term in his own body, I wouldn’t have a problem with men being able to veto abortions. Actually, I still might but it doesn’t matter because this

I 100% agree. Men should definitely have the ability to veto abortions, and it should happen as soon as they have the ability to get pregnant.

I can guaran fucking tee that these same Keystone light Kops and their supporters who are flipping out at these girls for being terrified of and fleeing from a group of armed men surrounding their car in a dark parking lot are the EXACT same cops and commenters who blame women for being raped or beaten because they

A friend recently kinda seemed proud of the fact that the other day her 8 year-old witnessed a former cop in town pull his gun on a shop lifter at a store, I guess as reasoning for why she carries at all times (?). I was like wait, wait, wait, we are DRAWING on shoplifters now?? What happens to jaywalkers? Mow them

They routinely try to ruin the lives of young people. It’s fucking insane, they literally set up stings with up to a dozen “officers” to either pin clerks who sell without IDing, bust 21yos buying for their under 21 friends, or just folks trying to slip a fake ID to someone.

I am having the same trouble with that. Followed and harassed and scared the shit out of a woman because they thought she might have a beer. I mean, if she had pulled out mace like I would have, would she even still be alive? The fuck with these cops, man?

That was a horrible fucking story. That truly and no mistake could have happened to anydamnone. Those ABC agents went fucking psycho on a totally innocent gal, and when she got scared, they lost their shit to Tarantino levels of bad.

Yes, she was buying packs of 12 oz cans of seltzer. They tried to do a fugitive-style take down, including one officer jumping on her hood, weapon drawn. She very sanely thought she was being attacked and sped off.

We need actual screening & a throrough psych eval before we give these guys a badge. Hiring Cousin Merle & Uncle Geech because they're too pissed off & unstable to get into the army isn't helping anyone. It's making a sham of our justice system. These guys are just bullies who get off on any amount of authority.

Kind of hard to figure... not many witnesses to track down, no relevant forensics testing to do, autopsy’s done... It’s not like waiting is going to help Cleveland get out of this, so I don’t even see a benefit from a purely cynical perspective.

They are looking for any evidence what so ever that this was not the evil killing of a small child. Anything, however slight, will be used to prove that Tamir Rice would keeled over and died any way that day.

What evidence is the investigation looking for? We all saw officer incompetent cowardly shitbag kill Tamir on video.

Jesus Christ. And people donated how much to the pizza bigots?