Roni Jones

I was 15 years old and pumping gas at a local gas station when at-the-pump prices hit 50 cents a litre in Ontario, and it was unbelievable how many people yelled and screamed at me about it... After about the fifteenth ass hole adult screamed at me, I finally snapped and yelled “AND WHAT IN THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO

My former boss used to say “You can’t be dumb and be a bitch. Pick one.”

When I worked in retail I had one customer insist that they didn’t have to pay tax on their purchase because (even though they were SHOPPING in my state) they lived in the neighboring state, which doesn’t have the same tax.

Nothing says “stepping out of your comfort zone” more than repeatedly asking why you can’t order lo mein.

Maybe hot chocolate lady was allergic to beige?

Considering the cops arrested Kevin Moore, who filmed the Freddie Gray arrest yesterday, it seems clear they want to make sure there are no witnesses to any of their actions. Their arrest of Kevin Moore was pure intimidation, plain and simple. Cops are pissed right now that 6 of their own are being charged.

There’s not some sort of force field around Bruce Jenner. It’s not like coverage of him doesn’t massively affect the way we speak about transgender people as a group. Even you could say he wasn’t vulnerable (and uhm, unless you’ve gone through this process, I think you can’t say that), lots of other people affected by

What happy alternate universe do you live in where this is not only accepted school conversation but respectfully and constructively discussed by students?

Agreed. We had a discussion about this in my class the other day. My students wanted to refer to him as “her” (this was during a discussion of LGBTQI representation in the media, pre-interview). I stopped them and said, “Until we hear from Bruce on this matter, we should continue to use male pronouns as he has used

One of my great grandfathers came to the US with someone else’s papers. If you just glanced, he sort of looked like the guy in the picture, but if you really took a minute to compare? Not the same guy. It was pretty telling too that the papers claimed he was from Poland, yet he didn’t speak a word of Polish. I don’t

Yep. I don’t know. In our society it seems almost inevitable. If she tells you about it, though, it’s important to stress to her that she did nothing wrong to warrant such unwanted attention and some people are just creeps and she should be wary of those people, but it’s not her fault that they exist. It is also

My great great...not sure how many greats...grandfather came to this country (dressed as a woman, no less) to avoid being hanged for stealing horses!

This kind of reporting on the Sony hacks I’m interested in, not a bitchy rundown of Amy Pascal’s grooming products.

When I managed corporate joint I used to take off the grat to get the asshole customers to shut up, and then retroactively apply a discount after they payed so the server could keep the difference.

Managers who don't stand up for their employees are THE WORST.

So from this part: " Here's a quick reality check: everyone — from Bill Clinton to your grandfather to every Greek organization in the nation does the same old stuff, just as they have been for the entirety of human history."

It's better to be proud of being Irish than to be proud of being Bill Maher.

It's the worst. I'm like $20k in debt and unemployable in my chosen field of study because they literally only care about work experience, which you can't also get while attending college.

Yeah, I personally would be in a much better financial situation if I hadn't gone to college.