Roni Jones

Oh, I see... because making the decision to freeze your eggs in order have babies with a person in the future and then having them purposely choose to inseminate the eggs by engaging an outside party at a later date in order to punish you for breaking up with them is totally the same as a condom breaking during a

It’s really become property before people.

Right. If it’s an “officer training” issue, then you’re saying that the officer wasn’t responsible because he wasn’t properly trained. Fine, if that’s your (cough, bullshit) story then follow it to the logical conclusion. Punish the superior who allowed him to interact with the public in a position of authority

Two unpaid days off at a time.. hmm.. that sounds familiar to me.. It’s like that thing that comes at the end of the week. Lots of people have them. They usually occur after Friday. OH YEAH.. IT’S A FUCKING WEEKEND. This guy got an extra weekend every month or so.

I had that happen to me when I worked at a take out place! And then she yelled at me for not being more informed about different taxes as they “pertain to my job”.

The last one reminds me of a problem I often encounter. I know how to deal with stupid. I know how to deal with mean. I have no idea what the hell to do with stupid AND mean... There is just no fix for that.

Right. The worst ever is when I worked at place that was basically Chucky Cheese for grown ups. I was a server, but for some reason everyone there has to train as a food runner. The plates at that place were fucking massive and they weigh a ton. I'd been doing nothing but running food for hours with no break. At least

What an interesting story. I guess, at least you have that.

I agree with everything said, and I’d also add, “Don’t overreact”. That’s not to say do nothing, just make sure that that the response is proportional. Sometimes the reaction can be so extreme that it’s actually a punishment for the girl. So, she stops confiding and actually covers for the guys that do this kind of

Eh, you get told that, but it does have to be a large amount of money and it only takes about 30 seconds do do a drop from what I remember. It’s not the big long process it is at most places. Not being an apologist (I have my own working at Sheetz horror stories)... it’d just be sort of rare to have that much money.

Yeah, you're right. I think there is a tone you can use when you say it that makes it acceptable now that I think of it. Like most interaction, tone makes a huge difference...

No one over the age of three should ever say "Gimme" to another person in an honest attempt to get something ever. Period. I feel comfortable with that hard rule.

I sometimes think going to grad school was the worst decision of my life. I loved it, worked hard and got nearly perfect grades, but sometimes I think about how much cheaper it would have been if I had just smoked pot for 2 years straight instead. My job prospects would be similar and I wouldn't be seriously

I think kids get a free pass when they don't have options and don't act like entitled jerks. I used to work at a place where this 12 year old boy would come after school with his 6 year old sister and get food. You could just see the anxiety as he did all the math in his head. It was a well known fact his mom was a

Stories like this are why I sometimes look around and get really anxious on expressways. So much stupid out there and most of them have drivers licenses.....

This is just one of the many reasons it's against my beliefs to be a Catholic. It has been since they sold my church to pay for pedophile priests when I was young and as the years go by I only feel more confident in my decision.

While pretty funny (leaky breast implants, really?), I'm also sad and disturbed by the accusations of violence. Alan Grayson is one of my favorites in congress and occasionally, when I'm completely fed up with politics, I'll Google him to see what bad ass thing he's is up to and/or said recently. I'm usually not

What in the world do these people do in the bathroom to require all of this special protection? It's like they need to think of public restrooms as this sacred "safe space" away from all of the harsh realities of the world. It's a public restroom. Quit being a weirdo, do your business and move on with your life.

Also, some people can't function without someone else telling them what to do, how to dress and what to think. College is very scary for these people. Frats and sororities help.

Those lists are completely nuts. They're meant to stupidly complicate things so that you're so filled with anxiety you'll just start vomiting money at everyone you speak with in a desperate attempt to alleviate your fear that you're inadequate, unprepared and every other bride in the world is doing it right and you're