Roni Jones

They don't need to think in terms of appropriate or inappropriate. Concepts like that are for losers and women. These guys do what they want and if you ever even think of questioning that, you are an un-American traitor. You should be thanking them every day for your freedom (and for not shooting you in the face for

I am pretty sure that's exactly what happened and, frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't happened before. Who watches this shit anyway? At it's best, these cop shows are just spectacles where people get to make fun of those crazy poors. At worst, it's police state porn where everyone gets to watch the "good guys" go all

This shit makes me so anxious. I think it's like an uncanny valley of communication, where someone is speaking in a way that is so close to a normal human being (they're using actual words, appear to know what some words mean, etc), but are just not close enough to pass for a reasonable human. It stresses me out more

Me too. When I apologize but don't really mean it, I say it with a faint Canadian accent. It's my own little illogical rebellion... and it makes my husband laugh.

If it was just the employees, I would clean house if I were the owners. Clearly, your employees are hindering your ability to make money and earn respect. If it were me, I'd fire all of them and put a sign up saying we're looking to hire friendly sales staff who treat people with respect and hold interviews at the

And I just realized that I'm so annoyed that my internet sarcasm detector went on the fritz...

Asked for it by cheating? What the fuck? Last I checked, the punishment for cheating wasn't loss of a body part. And I can't imagine why this guy would stray with such an obviously mentally balanced, delightful companion at home. Domestic violence is domestic violence, no matter the gender of the person victimized.

Yeah, it's super shady that they didn't have a problem with it until he'd already started. Seriously, what the fuck? How did he miss the wife and kids during the whole planning portion, but suddenly realize in the middle of speaking?

I tossed a hot dog at my wedding instead. We served them as snacks at the end of the reception from a sort of (in)famous, long standing local business. There's a whole long thing about why, but basically it was fun, didn't put our single friends on the spot and no one got killed by my seemingly 10 lb. broach bouquet.

"I guess a big part of this is educating patients so that their expectations of good treatment isn't actually the opposite of good treatment." Absolutely YES to this. I know it's off topic, but I feel the same thing is happening with pain killers it does with antibiotics. People think if you're not getting "the good

I wonder if this could be better explained by doctors. Like if they had a real quick, preemptive disclaimer when they came back to give you your prescription. "I'm giving you (blank) to treat your symptoms because what you have is viral. Antibiotics won't treat a viral infection and the best medicine for your

I agree and think about these things a lot (driving ages, drinking ages, the age of consent, military age, etc). There needs to be a time period where kids can explore and learn and make mistakes in a safe environment. That doesn't mean completely without consequence, just proportional consequences (and that's

I read it that way, too!

Well, if you'd stop being a hysterical female, they would explain to you how feminism works. Hint: IT'S ALL ABOUT ETHICS IN JOURNALISM!!!

I am usually pretty sympathetic to anonymous, but I am livid. THIS is the reason woman are fearful of voicing opinions in our society! I've spent months listening to blowhard male media figures with MUCH MORE influence say dumb shit about race and these recent deaths. Not a word from Anonymous. A woman steps out

He' s wearing a striped shirt and blazer right after the 4 min. mark.

Good eye. J.J. Abrams and Mark Cuban are both on the list twice. (I don't mean that in a snarky way. Easy mistake to make with a long list. I just thought I'd let you know) I also thought I saw Dan Savage in the group.

Gee, I wonder why there is a blood shortage...

I lost my virginity to a kind of over the top goth guy. I'm not embarrassed about that. He was actually kind of beautiful. He was also a little bit of a dick, but no more so than any other 17 year old. He was kind to me and accepted my chubby, awkward goth self and we hung out together every day. So, that's not

Isn't it incredibly hard to have a court declare something racially motivated? It seems like any time that comes up, courts are always like, "Nah, we're not sure if he's racist." You have to be a real class A-douche to have TWO courts telling you to stop being a violent, racist, scumbag.