Roni Jones

Unilever is one of the shittiest, most blatantly hypocritical corporations there is. They also peddle skin lightening products to darker skinned women overseas (It's called Fair and Lovely). Unfortunately, they also control Ben and Jerry's.

Yeah, I know it was never a law. I don't know why I said the whole "constitutionally" thing. That's not even the constitution.

Here is something that no one has ever been able to adequately explain to me. "Prison is a cash cow in the U.S." How in the world is it permissible for the state to have an actual financial interest in ensuring that you 1. go to jail and 2. stay there as long as possible? Constitutionally. (While it doesn't cover

I've thought about making that "crown roast" at a party for YEARS! Just put it out there with the other things I make and refuse to acknowledge that it's weird. (My favorite part is that it's a Weight Watcher's recipe. I know when I'm watching my waistline, filling up on hot dogs really helps keep my cravings under

It really blows my mind how many recipes exist that combine mayonnaise and jello. Granted, most of them were published when war rations were still a thing, but still.

Lol. My husband has made that. I like to think of it as shepherd's pie, Merica style... (it's not as bad as it looks. I'm not saying it's particularly good. It's just not as bad as it looks.)

The "not a feminist" thing can be really helpful. Like "I'm all for women's rights and stuff, but I'm not a feminist because men exist, too." Cool, so you just like to put your name on charities that sound good and don't really have a firm understanding of the larger context. Great. Thanks for clearing that up.

Oh, I know. I was just thinking about how he got into my brain in the first place. By winning elections.. Just like this crop of winners. I always keep thinking "maybe this will wake people up". And then there's the next election, and the next bunch of loons, and it just seems to keep getting worse and worse.

Lol.. This here is a short little lesson in the aftermath of the midterm elections. Don't elect total wackjobs to the senate. I'm just now realizing how much time I've spent over the years thinking about Rick Santorum's sexuality. I didn't make it an issue. He did. And I had to keep thinking about it year after

I totally agree on the deep, deep creepy vibes. I also believe that he hates women. I think as part of his faith, he fundamentally believes that women are inferior, subservient things meant to compliment and support the men they belong to. That's why being gay is worst thing in the world to guys like that. They see

Oh, I believe that he can't see any way for sex to be pleasurable. And I believe that's it's about his Christian angst. I just also, firmly believe that it's his Christian angst about homosexuality that makes it difficult for him. He used to be my state senator. (Ugh) There is something just really, really off

I have to do stuff like this ALL THE TIME at my job. I'm not really allowed to tell people what they are saying is "wrong" so I use questions to lead them there sometimes. My other strategy is that if they keep insisting they are right about something that is clearly wrong, I ask them to put it in writing or

Yes! And there is NOTHING on this planet that will ever convince me that Rick Santorum isn't a self-loathing closet case. No straight man spends that much time thinking about guys screwing.

Pennsylvania had a bright spot as well. We booted that right wing nut bag Tom Corbett out as governor! I agree, though. On a national scale, it was a disaster and it's because the people that are getting most screwed by extreme right policies decide to stay home (or only show up when there is a president on the

The thing I don't get is, why not leave? In my poorer days, I'd accidentally wander into a place that I couldn't afford. After realizing my mistake, I'd politely tell the server I wasn't feeling well or I realized I was late for something or give some other bullshit excuse for not ordering. I'd pay for any drink I

I feel the same way. I can put up with a lot and will do almost ANYTHING to avoid a confrontation at work. Until, I'm finally done. And then you get the kind of flip out that has the staff murmuring for a long time that "it's always the nice, quiet ones". That there would have done it.

That's the dumbest thing ever. I honestly can't remember if any street harassers who have approached me have been good looking. It's really hard to assess whether someone is objectively/conventionally attractive or not when they're scaring the piss out of you. They're all pretty unattractive at that point.

You absolutely can. I don't like the way newer rings look. We got a crazy good deal from a jeweler on a ring from the 1910-20's era. My ring was a little less than half of one month's rent at the place we were renting at the time. They sell low because some people think there is a stigma associated with "used"

Maybe I am just juvenile, but does the phrase "marry me juice" make anyone else want to barf? Definitel doesn't bring to mind food....

I'm an atheist and I completely agree. It's like he took all of the ideologically rigid "my way is better than yours and so we must be mortal enemies" nonsense that's present in many religions, removed the god part and just ran with it. I think of it as Fundamentalist Atheism. Just as intolerant, potentially