IGN is where white guys with a state University bachelor’s degree in journalism, and an uncancelled subscription to gameinformers print magazine go to die.
Randy Pitchford is sketchy AF and anything weird coming from gearbox is, almost certainly, because of him.
“choreplay” immediately makes me think of The Duke of Burgandy and how it’s, almost certainly, the best movie of the 2010's
This will be the easiest fucking paycheck these 75 year old Italian men will ever make in their entire lives. It looks so bad
That took way too long.
This is some scientology levels of weird
You kind of sound insecure about this
he was working on mission impossible and the superman thing simultaneously. 2 movies, 2 studios. Mission impossible studio had him contractually obligated to have a real mustache, and wouldnt budge an inch. They could have been decent about it, but these are hollywood execs we are talking about.
What a bunch of cry babies
This guys 60 year old ass is using public resources to bankroll his 13 year old brains fantasy bullshit.
“cuck beta leftist" is my sleeper agent activation code
She related to the smiley face shaped french fry people? While i do love those smiley fries, with theyre decadent mashed potato-esque core, Im still having a hard time finding it within myself to care what shes up to.
And furries everywhere rejoiced
I got it for an insane price. (New, 250 bucks, no tax) So not really interested in that. Dont care about the extra battery thing, as ill mostly be playing it as a standard console.
I just ordered a switch and only learned about this yesterday. Im assuming its an issue that plagues every game when it happens?
Theyre already making devs work around 2 different specs. 3 is a bit much
She has to be joking....
They are creating a normal sountrack in house on top if this. No one is losing work
Im guessing you checked multiple games? Some games have very sensitive deadzones that can cause this to happen. I remember it happening to me in overwatch on ps4. If its related to deadzones, they could easily patch it. Also, keep you hands completely off the controller to see if it still happens. It might not feel…