
Listen, I consider myself to he very anti capitalist. Im not saying ubisoft doesnt engage in shitty business practices. I just dont see how encouraging people to engage through creation, paying a decent amount for the stuff they actually put in the game, is an instance of that happening. Theres also the fact that

They are paying people though.

Isnt it safe to say that ubisoft,one of the largest devs in the world with thousands of people working on their games, arent doing this to save a buck? I really cant fathom how this is exploitative,especiallty when the modding community has existed as long as games have. Obviously its a promotional ploy, but I think

Maynard is a fucking diva too, tool is overrated, and their fans are insufferable. Fuck tool

What.... An.... Ab..... So....... Lute........ Joke..........

You are wrong on both accounts. Someeople think 3 rows added more complexity, but most high level players agree it really didn’t. Neither did row locked cards, as being able to play wherever you want adds an extra layer of decision making. There are cards where playing on certain rows have specific benefits now

Gwent is the most generous f2p game I have ever played. It is very easy to obtain a full collection vs other card games. You know how in hearthstone you'd be lucky to get a pack or 2 every couple of days for free? Gwent it's more like 2-4 packs a day.

This is one of my greatest fears. Thanks ☹️

I read somewhere (maybe here) that his official diagnosis after being admitted to a psych hospital was something along the lines of “agitation”. I’m not going to make any crazy proclamations, but a diagnosis like that when he was was, obviously, suffering from major depression is more than just short sighted.

Here to make the, at this point, cliche remark about how the low and slow method looks like baby vomit. I’ll take diner style scrambled eggs with massive curds any day of the week

We as nerds have truly made progress when an act of hover hands is lauded as being respectful, instead of being called a dork

Oh cool, another strand game.

Id bet money on it being a free update just to plug BL3, but I still see your point

Kojima only produced ZOE and boktai. Nice try 3/10

Laugh all you want. Kojima has been making boss ass games for 30 years, and I don't see how this will be any different. You make fun for a reason; because you can't look away

In 20 years he’ll have a big ass duck dynasty beard and wear camo suits, and seemingly everyone will forget he’s a rich New York trust fund baby who went to private school. Playing these rubes like a fiddle.

Hey girl, I think the most altruistic thing a human can do in the modern age is commit themselves, voluntarily, to chemical castration to prevent the ongoing destruction caused by our blind idiocy. Is this a good tinder bio?

Tldr: rng baby

D) you're a fanboy who won't play a cool looking game because of some bullshit :)

So this is how it all ends. Huh