Yes, call of duty only succeeded because it had fucking Humvees in it -_-
Yes, call of duty only succeeded because it had fucking Humvees in it -_-
I know gamefly is far from perfect. There are equal numbers of people who have had good and bad experiences with them. I’d say 95% of the time I’ve never had an issue getting a game near release. Only time I can think of where I didn’t was no man’s sky.
Someone better go tell Amazon and every other company that offers release day delivery...
This is really interesting. I subscribe to gamefly with gift certificates (because they are much cheaper than the monthly rate, and work even after you’ve used one before). In theory, this could be a much better option for people who can’t pay 60 bucks for games. The worst thing about gamefly is waiting 4-5 days for…
The talkshow on Netflix was bad (very sacharine), but the doc series she did was great. So I see this as a good thing. Also, bill nyes talkshow thing was even worse. Netflix isnt doing so good when it comes to that format.
It’s unfortunate that fincher can’t stay on to guide the shows he helps to produce. The first season of house of cards, especially the episodes he directed, were impeccable. It’s all been downhill since then. First 2 episodes of this have been fantastic, so hopefully it doesn’t suffer the same fate.
Man, all my hopes for the last season have been dashed.... What the actual fuck?
Making Megan Kelly a morning talkshow host is like making Donald Trump president. It’s illogical in every conceivable way, but people with poor judgement were in a position to make it happen.
They will get no praise from me. Making a product with clear capabilities and artificially hindering it for the sake of profit is just plain dirty business. Elon Musk parades himself around as the harbinger of progress for the Everyman, but he’s no different than any other corporate, capitalist stooge.
Gwent has had its hooks in me since open beta started. It’s so well made and cdpr seems to be really dedicated toward making it as good as possible.
He’s still salty about losing to Kathryn Bigelow (his ex-wife) at the Oscars in 2010. Also, I watched the making of doc for aliens, and Cameron is an S tier certified ass hole.
Reinstalled hearthstone, played a few games of hearthstone, then instantly remembered why I stopped playing hearthstone.
From what I’ve heard it’s in service to the themes of the game, and not really a difficulty thing. Like how Texas chainsaw massacre is based on a true story, but not really.
Can I program a button to open netflix/other streaming services through a Roku stick?
Can I program a button to open netflix/other streaming services through a Roku stick?
What real difference does it make whether they do it now or later besides optics? Might as well get it over with.
It takes a lot of resources to run a game like this in perpetuity, so just having high up front sales doesn’t secure it for the future. They need steady income to do that, and this does that.
He needs to stop “pardoning” himself. It’s starting to smell funky.
If you don’t want team kills in your game, make it impossible to happen. Seems like player unknown has good intentions, but this seems a bit silly. And yes, the other dude shouldn’t use the threat of violence as a joke. Doesn’t matter that you’re in character. The person you’re interacting with isn’t.
Josh Duggar is now $3,500 richer.