
When do we find out that Oculus/Facebook is bankrolling the lawsuit?

Never watched the show, but if the character has just as much screen time, the actor deserves just as much pay. Not just for the next season, but retroactively for the whole series. That’s what they did on shameless with Emmy Rossum, and it’s the right thing to do.

Wasn’t trying to bash the quality of it. One of those moments where the passage of time caught up with me.

Jesus Christ, this show has been on for 7 years? What the fuck

In her defense, canned chicken and canned tuna are basically the same thing. And chicken of the sea is a dumb name.

Fetishising a dark period in human history teaches us nothing about the past.

It’s rare to see a massive publisher willing to settle a matter like this. Most of the time it would be fire and forget; take it down and never hear about it again. Good on em.

How generous of them -_-

Sounds like an alright dude. Hopefully he doesnt let success mess with his head like it has with other well known developers.

This is fucking brilliant.

I use Google Hangouts for wifi calling/texting. Is there a better alternative that is also free and can call almost any number?

Him being president is like being back in high school: 4 years of excruciating embarrassment.

When I was a kid I saw a poster for Hanson in a store and thought they were cute girls, so I begged my mom to buy me one. My sister got a good kick out of that.


Off topic, but Sarah Silverman’s new special is all sorts of brilliant. Highly recommend it.

What a dumb period in history we live in.

The idea of having to juggle between 2 devices to play online is absurd

Fuuuuuuck yooooooou

Slide them whole down your throat, Kobayashi style.

If someone were to ever make a movie about Putin, this creepy ass sounding piano concerto ala Putin should play over the intro credits.