
If that was the case, then Nintendo would be trying to take down all the emulator sites out there that infringe on many of their properties. I know they have in the past to no avail, but they just gave up? Doesn’t that weaken their brand? Why go on the eshop to buy old games when you can get the same games for free,

You sound like you know more about this than I do, so I’ll take your word for it. In my opinion, as long as the people making the thing aren’t making money off of it they should have the freedom to do so.

You can download almost every Zelda game ever made in 5 minutes without torrenting, and this is what they go after?


Hopefully this doesn’t turn into some short-sighted“oh noes, those darn sjw’s censored our games again!” and we can all come together and recognize how hilarious this is.

Yes I include games like that because QTE’s don’t require a meaningful amount of skill. Saying they require skill is stretching the definition of that word.

To me anything with an obvious skill element is fair game because you’re missing out on a fundamental aspect of it by just watching a let’s play. Though I can’t think of any reason to watch a call of duty let’s play. Not a knock against the game, just doesn’t seem to suit the format.

I like games like gone home, but the difference between something like that when compared to a game like spelunky (where you really have to play it to get the full effect) is undeniable. My opinion doesn’t count for much, but I do believe watching/making a let’s play of something like that isnt that much different

Axiom verge wasn’t cancelled on vita. The dev just submitted it for certification a few days ago.

I did this and it caused me to slowly drift away from my friends until it got to the point where I wouldn’t answer their texts anymore because I ran out of reasons to not see them. It’s not that I didn’t want to be their friend anymore, on the contrary. I just lost the ability to be a friend to them, which I regret

That was its biggest influence, so sure. Myst hasn’t aged particularly well though, and the Witness feels like it will. And there are tiny shreds of a story in the Witness, but there’s so little of it that most people won’t even notice it, which is why I said it has no story.

Puzzles are supposed to be abtruse to some extent. If they weren’t, what’s the reward in solving easy puzzles?

You have to be willing to let this game turn you into an insane person to get enjoyment from it. I went all the way, and Its one of the best games I’ve ever played.

I wasn’t going to buy the witness day 1. Jon Blows dedication to his craft has made me reconsider.

So, its going to be what it was before the yes/no stuff then, at least from what I remember? Didn’t have the fancy box, but I recall kotaku reviews doing something like this awhile ago (doing a standard review, and then summarizing the good and bad in a color coded list).

That’s great for you, but I couldn’t name 5 games on the system I would want to play, obviously not counting games I can play somewhere else. I bet a good percentage of those 70 games are in the “can play somewhere else” category.

There aren’t enough games I want though. Especially since its still 300 bucks.

Are you saying this is where Mario Maker begins and ends? If so, that would be a damn shame, but I don’t think Nintendo is that stupid. It’s been an amazing success given how unsuccessful the Wii u has been. Even if it doesn’t come to 3ds, it, or a sequel, will almost definitely be released on whatever their next

Or just take the Nathan Fielder route and call it “Dumb Mario Maker” and say its a parody of the original game.

There’s a level of polish, charm, and ease of use that Mario Maker has that other platformer level editors just don’t. Little Big Planet is the only other big, official one I can think of: it has the charm, but its an intense undertaking to get a grasp on all of the editing systems, where Mario Maker makes sense just