
Why is the first gameplay video of the game showing 4 direction shooting? You probably saw a tear type that makes the game look like its doing more than 4 directions, but in reality your input will only ever = 4 directions.

Is it just because you want more grid based roguelikes? You should play road not taken (which just released on steam/ps4. Its actually free on ps plus right now).

Im fine with the art style for the most part (I think some things look better, like the walls, and some things look worse, like rocks/chests). My real issue is with the music. The original soundtrack fit the game perfectly. This new music... I dont know it really doesn't mesh well. After like 20 hours of the original

binding of isaac is not a twin stick shooter in any way shape or form. Anyone who has played the game for a serious amount of time and messed around wotj joy2key controller support will tell you the game feels like shit when using analog sticks. Shooting is only 4 directions, and analog sticks are capable of much more

its analog movement only. Shooting is still only the 4 directions. There's actually a control option that lets you map shooting to the face buttons instead of the analog stick (because that control input is analogous to the actual gameplay. analog movement doesnt really change much besides making movement feel better

restricting BoI's movement to a grid would fundamentally change everything about that game. It would also make it a lesser game.

Edmund Mcmillen (creator of the game) wanted to release by 2014 which meant he had to pick and choose which platforms to release on. Steam was a lock because his games have been extremely successful there (SMB sold way more on steam than it did Xbox). Since he made pc the lead platform that means he'd have to release

cant wait to play it on vita. I wonder if it's still gonna be free on ps plus like it was announced awhile back. Havent heard anything else on that front

My philosophy on COD and similar MP shooters: You can add as many bells and whistles as you want, if the core experience is unchanged it's not going to get that many new players or incentivize people who burned out on the formula to come back. People were hyped about Titanfall because it had giant mechs, double

When I first saw the words"Hotline Miami" in this post I got all excited and thought they announced a release date for Hotline Miami 2 or at least put out a new trailer. This is just disappointing...

What if instead of letting burner accounts post publicly for everyone to see, you (gawker engineer) instead made it so when burners post a comment only writers/people with the proper authority are allowed to see it. When a writer sees a comment they find interesting they can flip a switch and make it publicly

Apparently people are getting riled up about a recent steam update that might point to source 2? I don't have the full details but apparent'y Hammer (which is like a mod thing for source) got a significant upgrade for the first time in forever. I dunno, take this with a grain of salt. I figured maybe some people might

There isn't, but I didn't even think about it or consider it. As a player I became Joel in that moment. After thinking about it I did not feel good about how quickly and assuredly I pulled that trigger and how lost in the moment I was.

pepsi > coke

I was going to, but I've talked about it so many times that I felt a sentence would be enough here.

The Last of Us. It's the first game that the violence/tension really fucked with me.

Oh Will Smith....

Yeah, and it feels fucking weird. Someone I know was playing in their basement with their band and while walking past him I touched the strings and got zapped on my hand. Didn't fall down like this dude, but it didn't feel good either (it actually felt exactly like the Uncle Fester shock game, which I'm pretty sure

Kotaku actually was the first site to do damage control when the "news" broke that Ghibli was shutting down. Every site was sourcing a fucking fan blog with an unverified translation as reputable. Kotaku didn't, and Brian quickly debunked it with his own translation. Yeah they reported on the rumor of it's closing,

I know, but he said in an interview last May that he wished to make 3 more. Now he doesn't directly say these will be exclusive to the museum, but in the same paragraph it talks about how he likes the fact that his short films only show at the Ghibli Museum and how it creates a memorable experience for young fans to