
I skipped gym entirely the second half of senior year and actually got good grades in it. Would show up so they would take attendance, then would leave once everyone was changing and hang out with friends who had study hall in the nearby lunch room. Only time I ever showed up was for testing type stuff (like the

Disc drives dont cost 100 dollars. And if it has no disc drive, that means it needs more space on the hard drive. If anything, I would think it'd cost more... But thats stupid, so I'm going to say the rumor isnt true

This isn't wrong. Go on IGN and you'll see people saying stuff like "why is he even reviewing this if he doesnt like it?" in response to something getting a 7.2. Like, do you even know what professional criticism is?

I thought sony said all stuff like this wouldnt be behind PS plus? Only traditional disc based games would force it. I dont think DCU requires PS plus, but I could be wrong.

Microsoft still has netflix behind their paywall on XB1, so why would this be an exception.

Are you mad, brother?

Ive said before in the comments that as long as the game isnt unplayable on one platform and that the visual difference isnt huge it doesn't matter. The difference between the xb1 and ps4 isnt that big. Definitely not worth arguining over


I don't really take my time when writing counter arguments that I don't really care about on the internet. I got my point across and it's clear enough for most people to understand. If it isn't, then I apologize for your inability to read anything but perfectly grammatical, well written prose. And being a sarcastic

I think the only things I would try to save are my animals. Other stuff can be replaced.

I've been extremely interested in this game since day one, but I want to start it when it's finished so I can get the full experience. If they can create an apt critique/discussion of the prison system with this, I'm all for that. Their response seems to indicate they are putting a lot of thought into just that

That comparison isnt apt at all. Stereo vs mono is nothing like 1080p vs 720p.

It is on a million more platforms than LBP and is much more approachable than it and most other 'creative' games. Think of its success as comparable to the success of legos. It appeals to so many people because of it's simplicity. People could have been going out and building complex models/figure sets, but instead

I answered your concern already. If you care about it buy a pc. Some people dont care and just want to shell out 400 bucks for a console that will last a decent chunk of time, regardless of resolution or super high framerate. Game optimization on PC is too spotty and makes it so you have to upgrade more often (spend

Yes, you don't get it.

I wonder if mojang will ever be able to release something that lives up to the success of minecraft. Would be cool if they struck lightning twice, but I have my doubts

I care when it means a game is almost-completely unplayable because of it. I don't care if one console is running 30fpsvs60fps or 720pvs1080p. Id prefer the latter of those options, but I could get over it if it meant I was getting something else that I wanted.

I understand. But its expensive for whats being offered: a controller not many are interested in, and hardware that is inferior to the competition. The latter fact doesn't matter because Nintendo games don't need that powerful of hardware, but the case hasn't been made for the controller yet or why people should be

Dpads dont add 100 plus dollars to the price of a console.

none. None of them are worth getting right now.