
"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. The first time somebody told me that, I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so, I shot him. The thing is... He was right. And then I

Hey Kirk, do you think this series/game is good for a person in a halloween type of mood/spirit? Figured it might be due to the subject matter.

I'm having a difficult time grasping how a prequel could be hard for newcomers to get into.

No android love? I like my nexus 7, but it sucks seeing so many cool stuff never come to the play store

You're right, but the markets overwhelming demand for cheaper products will make it so that is unlikely to happen. And almost nothing will change that (unless there's some serious international reform, but that isn't likely).

You're right. I'm just not used to knowing the details. As long as they can properly judge what is allowed based on the context of the content then it's fine.

You obviously haven't played gta5 yet. Suffice to say it has very graphic sexually content in it.

That example is extremely specific. Sure, most probably wouldn't be interested in playing that game, but what about games like the last of us and gtav? Both of those games feature the content Sony is disallowing in self published titles, yet they're fine with selling those titles through psn? Why? We're not sure yet

For the record I don't agree with them doing this. They can do whatever they want, but that doesn't make it right. They should treat self published games the same way retailers treat the games they sell. As long as it doesn't go into AO territory, those guidelines are well within what is possible in an M rated game.

Does best buy and gamestop regulate games like the last of us (sadistic acts of violence, children in an abusive context) or GTAV (sexually explicit content, extremely profane or obscene acts, negative stereotypes)? No. It's unfair that these types of restrictions could be leveled against self published titles but not

Hopefully you're right and they consider the context of what's happening in the game over the content.

No, but they are the distributer, and they can do whatever the hell they want when it comes to choosing what games to sell. Just like how all retailers choose not to sell AO games.

Wait, what? That's bullshit... Why isn't this bigger news?

Well that sucks... Hopefully everything gets worked out

I haven't read the article yet, but I can say from experience that confidence is extremely important when trying to get through life. I know because my extreme lack of confidence is crippling and makes it hard to get anywhere. The good thing is that I'm only 20, so I have some time to gain some, but it's gonna be

I've seen it and it's not. The context is completely different, so the only similarity is someone giving birth and someone with no experience helping them through it

I think youre forgetting how small this thing is. Its specs are pretty impressive for the size. Though, its a niche product that applies to very few people. Most people want power out of their PC's for that price, not portability.

I know its weird, but I really hope this shutdown cripples the country. Im sick of the way things have been and it seems like bringing the system to its knees is the only way any real change will occur.

No shazammwow, I will not learn how to read, if only to take a moral stand against his atrocities

You're the coolest! You're on some high plain looking down on us curious little humans and our fascination with despair.