You guys are some cynical bastards. I didn't watch that video, and I bet a lot of people didn't either. This isn't some sort of human affliction that makes us all desensitized sadists. This isn't a fucking clockwork orange, not yet at least.
You guys are some cynical bastards. I didn't watch that video, and I bet a lot of people didn't either. This isn't some sort of human affliction that makes us all desensitized sadists. This isn't a fucking clockwork orange, not yet at least.
Adding the ability to turn off the ps4 controllers light bar. I bet it takes up a decent chunk of energy from the battery.
He got lucky with tuco because the meth he made was so good. If it weren't for hank showing up at that hut in mexico he would have been killed. If he didn't manipulate tio into being the bomb deliverer he would have never killed Gus. Without having his rat money to pay the Nazis he would have never been able to pull…
THANK YOU! It seems like everyone on the internet thinks walt is some badass, feeding into his heisenberg persona, when I've always thought of him as overcompensating and egotistical. Yes, he's done cool shit and is capable, but he's still that nerdy little chem teacher on the inside. Like Mike said "just cause you…
They didnt change very much, to be honest.
Yeah, I've been here for a long time as well, though under a different username (lost that account after they started requiring google/Facebook logins). This is, hands down, the best site for gaming news and thought pieces. Don't care what anyone says.
Wow, I'm actually really flattered that you did this. Thank you!
Please make me a non grey commentor. No idea why I was knocked down in the first place
Lossless audio, and a lot of content. The file size of a game isnt indicative of the way it looks. I could fill up a 50 gb blu ray with billion copies of pac man if I wanted to.
Names are as good and as bad as they ever were; nothing has changed
I hope, one day, a comedian insults and humiliates you in public for your 'imperfections' and differences. Oh, but you're perfect, so that'll never happen, right? Or you'll be a sport about it because you're a comedy afficianado and understand the comedians plight. Moron
Now amount of arguing is going to get any of you anywhere. Just keep your god damn opinions to yourself and move on with your lives. Nothing is being acomplished by having an internet shouting match
Besides cleanup on collectibles, by myself
Never 100%'d a GTA. I did it for sr3 and sleeping dogs though! Probably took me 40-50 hours each. I have beaten gta4 more than 8 times (story only). I don't care what anyone says, it still holds up and is one of the best games ever made, and one of the best written things ever. I replay it every year (beat it 3 times…
the next big app should be for videos that only have 1 frame in them. I call it, dingleberry!
calling something an abortion implies that it already has been 'canned'. I think you mean abomination
If it's actually a decent PC for cheap, I'd consider buying one, but I'd probably install windows as the primary OS and side load steam OS, since I dont really have a good enough comp to stream from (my laptop is on its way out).
I flipped some cops the bird on a BMX bike while playing as trevor, and it gave me a 3 star wanted level (though, it took a bit longer than this did).