
That's right, hide stuff like that from your kids; put a disconnect between you and your children when it comes to touchy subjects. It's alright, it isn't like they'll learn it from worse places for themselves. Stop pretending like the content is the issue, and not your inability to have a healthy relationship with

Its because the PC version of the game has a different UI for giving commands (on consoles its a wheel, on pc its not).

I want you to go play San Andreas or IV and try flying a plane or heli with K+M. It's a fucking nightmare.

well, not exact but similar

Didnt echochrome do the exact same thing?

I bet you sleep real good at night knowing you have the most best graphics ever, and that having the most best graphics is the most important thing of all, and not gameplay innovation.

The dairy queen and burger king should hook up and form the best (worst) fast food joint ever

There really isnt that much to spoil in the game (besides a few surprises). The story is completely cut and dry...

I called this a long time ago as a joke, and now they're actually doing it... These seems like such a dumb move, but valve rarely fails in its endeavors (at least in the long term)

I know a lot of game journos want one since none of them have vita capture kits. Even IGN doesnt have one. Sony is fucking stupid for not doing something so simple; coverage for the vita would be easier, therefore getting it out to the public easier, therefore getting more buyers (theoretically).

I dont think that means red dead is coming to PC. It says latest games, and that was posted in july of this year (3 years after rdr)

Blade Runner!!!

The camera thing is just a technique gasper noe likes. Im not sure if this effect is intended or not, but I always thought of it to be similar to a "fly on the wall". It's a bit dizzying, but I kinda like it

Why is the ps3 part of the disc red and not black? Also, GTA5 isnt rated AO. Also, this looks really photoshopped.

I doubt his comments took away attention from him or anyone else showing stuff off at pax. I like Max/Cards, but he seems to be jumping to conclusions a bit

If you havent played a few hours into GTAV you wouldnt know.

Jizzle, is that you?

Wait, how do you crouch?

I feel like I'm one of the only people going into this for the story and not the crazy random shit. Don't get me wrong, that stuff is amazing for replayability, but I'm much more intrigued with the story rockstar wants to tell and not so much with finding all the crazy stuff from the getgo.

What about barbara who sucks like vacuum?