
I never insinuated that saying it "looks" like something means it "is" that something. Calm the fuck down

It is uglier, but most news sources are edging it out as the more comfortable/better built of the 2. And the xbox one controller looks way too big

That xbox controller looks way too thick/big. Almost like they went with the original xbox controller design

it failed miserably because sony doesn't know how to market lower tier games, but it was still pretty great for what it was.


Or theyre slowly updating half life 2 to become half life 3...

They are trying to wipe all evidence of half life ever existing. IT'S JUST LIKE 1984, THAT BOOK THAT INFLUENCED HALF LIFE 2

Youre thinking of starcraft

This game is a rip off of starhawk, except it's an fps. People need to stop acting like this is some revolutionary thing for the genre, because it isn't

Thanks for the response. I just think it's risky to be giving out advice in this manner without stating it's not professional.

That Beyond: Two Souls deal was pretty sweet

Hes referring to what the sony store says. Hopefully its an unupdated placeholder.

I jumped at this deal quicker than you can say BEYOND

There's regular advice and professional advice. If she's getting paid to do this, she better have credentials or state that her advice is not professional. So far, I don't see either

What part of joels characterization led you to believe he would be so rational about a loved one dying? There is no way in hell anybody could have stopped him from saving ellie, herself included.

I dont get this. What entitles you to give advice to people? Because you 're standing on a higher perch than the rest of us (meaning you have an avenue to communicate with a lot of people)? I really don't think that's enough

Marlene knew joel wouldnt let ellie die, even if they had closure. She did, however, completely underestimate how good of a killer he really was.

Since theyve already announced single player dlc I came up with a decent idea for what it could be

How has he not pulled it off? He's done so multiple times. Just because you have a negative opinion of him doesn't mean the rest of the world does (the same could be said about my opinion, but at least it's positive)

Dont forget infamous 1/2. And, honestly, dont play killzone 1. It's terrible and unnecessary for the next 2 games.