
It has really good weight to it. To briefly sum it up, it's one part slow/methodical, 1 part exhaustive tension, and 1 part quick, brutal acts of extreme violence.

Like you said in the article, itll probably be the same form factor but with cheaper/more efficiant parts. Hopefully that means a nice price cut will be happening (200 bucks maybe? that would be awesome for folk who dont own one yet)

Whatever you do, dont start with the last of us. Its undoubtably the best ps3 exclusive, and itll make all the other ones look like shit in comparison (they are still great though)

What are you, the thought police? Jesus F-ing crust

I dont know, Id be flattered if a woman checked me out in a similar fashion. Attraction is not "creepy" its human instinct. We are all still physical beings. It isn't like out superior intellect overrides our biology.

I honestly meant gamers when I said me. That's my mistake

Its not about whether or not it affects me, it's the principle of the matter.

Sorry I dont have sympathy for a multi billion dollar corporation who tried to fuck me over, and are trying to be all nicey nice to get me back. HELL no

What a bunch of flip floppers. This makes me hate them more

Number of games as great as the last of us: 0

Microsoft is a greedy, publicly owned corporation that adheres to stockholders. Valve is none of those things


I meant similar, and they undeniably were. Kirk changed the headline since then to help separate it. It really isn't that big of a deal to be honest

Eh, it's alright. We're all human

Pretty sure another writer for the site posted the same exact article some months ago. Ill go look for it and give an update



Kotaku isnt a gaming site, it's a gaming CULTURE site. They talk about games, and things gamers might be interested in. That's how it's always been

Yeah, I was mostly being an ass hole because I want a witcher 1 and 2 collection on ps3 (or possibly ps4). It would feel weird jumping into the third entry without playing the first 2.

If they wanted everyone to play their games, why was the witcher 2 only released on pc and 360 and the witcher 1 on pc? Bullshit, if you ask me.