
Dont use itunes. I buy records, which come with digital copies that I can freely move around as I please (put them on cd's, etc). And if I'm not mistaken, buying songs off itunes lets you use the files as you wish; they aren't stuck to itunes (Could be wrong about that). If a record isn't available, I use spotify on

All this bullshit is stressing me out. What happened to the time where games were simple and I didnt have to worry about losing my ownership rights? It almost makes me want to give up on them :(

Its been said where? From one of the interviews Ive listened to, theyve been set for a decent amount of time

I really dont think one of the largest game publishers in the world went into the sony conference as blind as everyone else. Theyre producing multiple games for ps4; pretty sure theyve known for awhile about how the console works

Holy shit, did onecof the biggest 3rd party publishers in the world really just side with sony on used games? Thats crazy (not, because I knew this would happen weeks ago).

Amazon says the ps4 supports av cables

Also, according to Brad Shoemaker of Giantbomb, smoke powers aren't the characters main ability. He's more like rogue from the xmen and is capable of feeding off other heroes powers.

Wow, this game looks slick.


You are a terrible human being...

It'll be the same as it's always been (50 bucks a year). They wouldn't allow your current sub carry over if it was more

They didnt say 5 bucks, they said LESS than 5 bucks

No, they announced it at "less than 5 dollars a month"

Youre doing it wrong. New wave hipsters like popular things (Ironically). It's why hipsters love kanye west so much; further feeding his ego.

360 has been doing it for close to a decade. If this is the sour grape in sony's basket, that doesnt mean shit. They've won the generation if they stand by the other things they've said

The better question is if it's exclusive. Same goes for FFXV. These announcements would be even bigger if they were

I disagree. Lets leave it at that

I thought the ending was poignant (both wounded and tired, sitting down in a tavern for one last face to face).

You could say the same things about the arkham games and sleeping dogs... You would be wrong