
Weird, I enjoyed it and liked the ending (with connor and charles lee in the tavern). in what way is the game bad?

I disagree about the combat. Once you get a feel for it, it becomes quite enjoyable (at least from my experience).

Anyone who say AC3 wasnt fun beat only the story missions and did none of the side stuff.

The kinect has changed substantially (I'd look up an info sheet, but I'm too lazy). And I doubt GDDR5 will substantially increase cost, especially if they have a deal with the manufacturer. I mean, isn't a kinect 150 by itself on 360? No way in hell better ram will cost that much

PS4 doesn't have an expensive camera bundled in

ps4 doesn't have an expensive peripheral like kinect boxed in... So no

Well, both consoles will be losing money, but they make up the difference selling games/controllers/etc. The difference between the 2 is XONE is shipping with an expensive peripheral (kinect) and ps4 is not. So shaving 50 bones off of the price wouldn't lead to a catastrophic loss for them. I also wouldn't be

He's 17, so he's technically a child himself? I know, I know, still wrong.


What does that even mean?

Im gonna say you're lying, but I'll still comment/recommend this to see someone check it out

That might be the worst banner Ive ever seen. Minimalism has its place; this is not one of them

This is stupid, if you don't like your job quit it. Its not like those people are working in sweatshops

Well, quality factors in. Most cheap games that are also worth playing tend to sell really well


Lower cost=less of a risk for consumer=more people buying it=constant success

Yeah, butt stuff!

When I said "not the same" I meant on a physical level. I believe trans people really are the genders they feel they are. I also believe emotion trumps physicality in every which way (meaning I think one feeling a specific gender is more important than having the parts)

Is life really so easily defined by words? Dont you think things go farther than that?

Im not denying them that, I just don't think bringing up transgender women in a female masturbation article makes sense, because it doesn't work the same way for them. I wish it did, but it doesn't