
They arent technically female though. Maybe one day scientific discovery will unlock the potential for true sex change, but until then it's just not the same

Im sad :(

I dont think thats a serious dig, more like a clever/innocent knock at kojima/konami.

Does the ps3 version support keyboard/mouse?

Well, I wrote that when they DIDN'T review it yet. So yeah

You're wrong; technology is constantly evolving, and there's no reason for it to make an exception for keyboard and mice based computers.

I didnt say best, I said one of the best.

If there's nothing to write about, then why did you write this?

This sounds like the dumbest fucking thing Ive ever heard of

Man, that Destiny picture is weirdly poignant. Also, that unannounced project picture has caught my interest, even the I have no idea what the hell it is (I have a soft spot for overproduced, tokyo inspired, future cities)

And what I'm saying is that you aren't supposed to play this game like uncharted. it's supposed to be methodical and stealth driven, not turn on a dime to punch a guy and go in guns blazing.

It's not supposed to play like uncharted, it's supposed to be it's own thing. And those controls are there to feed into the survivalist aspect of the game.

What's the problem, it looks like the single player encounter with bandits, except in multiplayer form? If that's the team deathmatch variant, then that is completely cool.

Someone should review the swapper. It's one of the best games of 2013 (so far)

I'm not saying tablets are going to replace PC's by 2015, but they will (probably) start outselling them.

The sad thing is without those oils smudging up the screen, I still have a hard time using a touchscreen. For example; if I were to wash my hands and dry them, I wont have the smudging problem anymore, but when I try to use the touch screen, the slight dryness of my hand makes it hard to do swiping motions (I guess do

Word of warning; uncharted 1 might sour you to the series (it's definitely the weakest of the trilogy), but I still recommend playing it.

Are you a professional gamer where the minuscule latency difference will affect you in any way?

I have the old G700, and highly recommend it. If you plan on getting it, pick up a 4 pack of rechargeable eneloop batteries. You'll be set for a LONG time in the the battery department (and you don't need a charger, cause this thing charges the battery through a cable).