Wait did you just blow up her spot by calling out who her ex-boyfriend was despite her specifically asking for that information not to be revealed? Kinda makes you an asshole too eh?
Wait did you just blow up her spot by calling out who her ex-boyfriend was despite her specifically asking for that information not to be revealed? Kinda makes you an asshole too eh?
I dont know, if you polled the entire movie going audience, How many times has a person said, hey lets go see that Michelle Williams movie, vs hey lets go see that Mark Walhberg movie. I bet its atleast 10-1 in favor of Mark Walhberg.
As an aside to the pay disparity, the pay difference between asian men and white…
Deeply troubled? I would think you would be deeply embarrassed to write about the love life of Stephen Miller.
How dare you disparage the Rockville Rocket, Gene Pitney!
I assume this standard applies to all celebrities, even the ones that say things you agree with? Really how smart can any of them be? Their entire job is to say what a writer tells them to say and say it with some sort of emotion.
I mean there is a story out right now, that the first “space crime” might have been committed, and it was by a woman. Feel free to do what you would like with that information.
I wonder why some company doesnt put out a game like this for VR, I think it would be awesome (unless they have and I missed it). Putting cards down, have them become giant monsters in the field and battle the shit out of each other. I think it would be the closest thing to the cartoon show you could ever have.
Why does this seem like only half the story? I think its safe to assume that this reporter did/said something to cause Verlander to take action, why was that not included in this story?
With her name recognition, I wouldnt be surprised if she currently isn’t making some serious money as an influencer or something along that line. If she isnt, then that is just a poor job by her to capitalize on her fame.
If she went back to porn now, one would think she could probably clear 12k a shoot.
For someone that purports to love Fast and Furious, I would think you would know that Dom is not in 2 Fast 2 Furious. Get it together.
I have this issue too, since i write with my right hand, i quickly pantomime writing something because I always do that with my right hand so that quickly tells me which way is right.
You want her to go away, then stop writing about her. This is probably the first time I have seen her mentioned in months.
I don’t know, a 90 mile per hour fastball to the upper shoulders is much more dangerous than running a guy over. Not only that Marisnick actually felt bad about it, which is why he quickly checked on the catcher he ran over, and didn’t say a word when the pitcher almost took his head off.
whats up part of the problem!
I am sure financiers love it when an A list actor who if included in the movie can probably get the movie to make 40-50 million at the box office vs just having the A list actor as a producer, and led by a nobody. Lets also be real here, she probably got the producer credit because the studio couldn’t afford her full…
Was she financing it too? because I am sure the people financing it love it when an A list actor steps down from the lead roll to hire a no-name trans actor. Oh wait... no they don’t, and look at what movie isn’t getting made anymore.
Oh look at that, she drops out, and guess what movie isn’t getting made now? Its almost like the movie business is a business, and when your A-list actor drops out, no one wants to make a movie staring some unknown transgendered person playing a transgendered person. Big win for you guys!
I think you are targeting the wrong group here, Men aren’t your biggest adversary, its religion that is your real opponent. Assuming that all women in general are pro abortion is also a mistake. Remember 54% of white women voted for Trump.
Just to get this straight... Gender fluidity, sounds good no problems here. Hair Color fluidity, HOW DARE YOU!
Performing music and telling jokes are not the same, its why comedians are constantly coming up with completely material for their shows, jokes have a diminishing return after you have heard them, but Musicians will play the same songs they wrote 10-20 years ago in shows. The only exceptions to this are if a comedian…