its the best i have ever had.
its the best i have ever had.
This is the Root tho, not Jezebel, so the outrage is still there, since none of those 15 people are black.
The key to keeping it secret, because the internet is everywhere, is that the code should only be published in physical newspapers. That way the kids will never find it.
I have a hard time sympathizing with you here, when your own website shit all over John McCain less than 24 hours after he died.
Isn’t that extortion?
So you went thru the exercise to list out all the things that a family of 4 would pay for at a future ball game, and then didn’t actually give a total? Was the math too hard? I get that you are a blogger and not a mathematician but whats the point if you dont give an end total.
So basically this is like how Gun Sales go up when democrats are in power.
So Barstool used her video without her permission, she requested they take it down, they ignore her, she files a DMCA notice. Barstool contacts her, apologizes, she ignores them, they make offers of compensation to remove the DMCA notice, she ignores them, they file a counter lawsuit to get the notice removed.
I enjoyed that at the end of that podcast Simmons jokes about what thing blogs are going to take out of context to blog about. Congrats to you Tom on being a predictable forgone conclusion.
Per this website I am pretty sure intent doesnt matter, just that blackface is very very bad. I read an article on this website yesterday that what is in a person’s heart doesn’t make a difference if they are wearing blackface, its racist and should be punished.
its a shame he wasnt 15 years younger, then he wont have even needed black face to pretend to be Michael Jackson.
Soulman came out in 1986, a movie entirely about blackface and it made 35 million. So not exactly a taboo topic back in the 80's. I still dont understand why RDJ is allowed to make movies after Tropic Thunder in 2008, the selective outrage is baffling.
1,000,000 miles/24 mph = 41,666 hours of driving. and 365x24x5=43800 hours. Holy shit... she would have had to spend 95% of her time driving 24/7/365 for 5 years to hit a million, I understand why Hyundai was skeptical.
Per this blog, its ok if black people play roles that are not specifically for black people, but not ok if Scarlett Johansson wants to play an Asian character, or a Trans character... Are there any other SJW rules about who is allowed to play what that I need to be aware of?
Sick burn at the end Sophie! Nice to see you also didn’t pay any heed to her talk either.
I wonder if the brain tumor he had caused part of this, or if he was always something of a dick.
Congrats to her on the full ride! But when you have people applying to 150 colleges is it any surprise that schools only spend 8 mins reviewing each application?
Those types of stories are almost as frequent and uninteresting as Deadspin complaining about what other sites write about. But I am sure its not the Deadspin writer’s fault, its likely these stories do quite well, and they are probably encouraged to produce similar stories.
I just bought a one a few months ago, and I had to force the salesguy to go on a test drive with me, he was just going to toss me the keys and let me drive it, I couldn’t believe it.
Ragnarok was a great Revengers movie.