
Hear, hear! I understand that the best way to wring more speed out of the Flash is to have a speedster antagonist, but the charm of the comics were the colorful villains from the Rogues Gallery. They do appear in the show, of course, but it seems their only purpose is to offer a break from a speedster big bad.

Wow, it looks like a Brady Bunch family photo.

I suspect that Dorian is having misgivings with Justine & Lily's support group. Nothing like having a knife to one's own throat and then getting knocked by that knife to cause second thoughts.

Wait, Gabriel, was brought out of retirement in Russia and returned to the USA to handle Philip & Elizabeth. So 'illegals' can and do retire. He said so himself (was it to Claudia?) in one of the earlier episodes this season.

And what he did to Tommen defies description!

So lost in the drama of Arya abandoning her contract is the fact that there is still a contract on Lady Crane. So what becomes of that contract? Do the Faceless Men give refunds? Somehow I do not think a league of elite assassins works that way. Although Lady Crane is now aware of the threat on her life one would

Triumphant, perhaps, but not in an heroic sense. Dany's proposition is to invade and wreak havoc in Westeros. And ruling (i.e., managing the kingdom) is not even a proposition.

I disagree. Not that Benjen may not have shared a fate similar to Coldhands, but they are not necessarily the same character.

Benjen is not Coldhands. The books may reveal that he shared a similar fate as Coldhands. Or not. In any case, if memory serves, in the book Coldhands leaves the stage when Jojen, Meera, Hodor & Bran reach the tree.

Dany may not be the villain in waiting, per se, but her plan would visit disaster upon Westeros. And then, if not rule, what is her purpose? Danyris may not become a pantomime villain, but she is the worst monarch ever. Which may be the entire point of the series/books.

Was he? Hodor's eyes were clear. I think he knew what he was doing at the door and what purpose he served doing so. And the tragedy is that on a subconscious level he always knew his destiny from the initial point of contact as Wyllis back in the day: Bran was the conduit through which he heard Meera crying out to

And again Grant plays an obscure actor. Well, perhaps not obscure this time.

'Parent Trap?' I was thinking more along the lines of 'Bad Seed.'

And those cops have families and friends. It is just too much: even Mr. Wolf would balk at this clean up job.

I think Arkady had a better read on Gaad than whoever ordered the meeting-gone-horribly-wrong. The only way I can understand Gaad bolting the way he did was the way they confronted him. They looked menacing. Which makes the Soviet field agent's act of contrition over the fallen Gaad all the more sad and ironic.

It has been established on Earth 2 that there is a Mayor Snart, which coincides with one of the DC comics story lines.

I think that Philip cares for Martha as a human being. It is the love one feels when you care for someone's welfare as opposed to romantic love.

Again, it is not so much the fault of the artist as it is the faulty description given them by the eye witnesses.

Or, if there is no love lost between the two agencies, the CIA would keep her in place and turn her with the threat of repatriation and prosecution.

Or the KGB uses the rat to infect Martha and so Martha becomes the new sample. So what becomes of the pilot since in this scenario Martha is doomed. This and I think there could be blow back as I believe Oleg is becoming fed up with assets being treated like used tissue.