
Philip gushed over the caviar because it was a rare luxury that he knew Elizabeth would adore. Well, that was my take.

Great read. To echo a comment found there, Dillane sounds like he is still in character: a curmudgeon who does not suffer foolishness. Moreover, Dillane sounds like a consummate professional. As far as he was ever concerned, Game of Thrones was not and would never be the role of his lifetime. But he did his job.

Pardon the pun, but kin-slaying cuts both ways: Doran threatened Ellaria for her plotting counter to his plans. That said, I liked Doran but being a voice of reason and polity in an epoch or chaos was just not working.

Interesting point, although Varys long range tactical plan is to instill chaos wherever possible. At least that is so in the books as his real motivation is still subject to conjecture. (I think I am being reasonable in believing him to being part of a plot to restore the Targaryens. Of course which Targaryens is

Oh, I am not so sure about that. Just use Google to search for a picture of Zooey Deschanel without bangs. I had trouble recognizing her after what should be a trivial change in appearance.

Hitler is playing both sides against the middle. And assuming that he has the vast resources of the greater Reich at his beck and call, the Resistance has no idea they are serving him.

Since it is 1962, and assuming that Tagomi-san is synchronized to our timeline, Haight-Ashbury is a ways off in time. But he may get to take in the Giants-Yankees World Series if he hangs out in San Francisco a few more weeks. That series was an entertaining one.

Lem Washington (played by Rick Worthy) is a Muslim African American and an active partisan and I consider him a most significant character.

One of the more devastating aspects to the finale is that Hitler has learned something from his collection of out-of-his-timeline films and that he appears to be on to something that will allow him to lead the world to a despairing and fascistic world peace. I find this thoroughly depressing yet fascinating.

Well, discrepancies aside, something magical or, at the least, mysterious is going on there. I believe Juliana saw Trudy in Chinatown and that 'a' Trudy is quite alive and well, as Juliana's mother realized, but that this Trudy is from another timeline. Juliana's real half-sister is totally and sincerely dead.

I need to go back and watch the earlier episodes, but I think that Joe was referring to the film strip he carried from New York and not the last film he and Frank stoled back from the Yakuza.