
Dr. Oz gives him a run for his money, though. Not to mention Eckart Tolle or the lady who wrote The Secret, who had less staying power but were somehow even dumber. There are a lot of things to admire about Oprah, but her love of facile pseudo science is not one of them

Apparently if a staffer breaks the ethics rules, it is up to the white house to determine the correct course of action... which will be ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Nothing. We’re going to do nothing about it. So much of the way our government functions and has always functioned is contingent on people at least pretending to function within the rules; there’s not really an external mechanism to enforce them if one party controls all three branches and just decides “you know what,

this is what’s been bothering me. The GOP basically said, “We’re refusing to do our job” when they stonewalled Obabma’s SCOTUS nomination. Was there NO recourse for Democrats in that situation? I’m so disheartened by Dems

You could sue on behalf of anybody financially injured by this statement, which would be almost every single competitor Ivanka’s clothing line would have.

Call the the Office of Government Ethics at (202) 482-9300 extension #5 and leave a complaint.

All the political scholars are learning that the rules only work if both sides agree to them.

That’s exactly what has me losing sleep at night, too. There are no consequences (besides public ridicule) when Trump and his goons step out of line. Maybe it’s naiveté, but I never thought I would ever see such chaos in our government. How far is it going to be allowed to go? Are Republicans just going to sit back,

Exactly. All you do is wait for the inevitable and completely preventable multiple fatality car accident to happen and cause untold damage and then it all comes out. Same thing here. My best hope is the Russia connection. It’s the fastest way to get him taken out. so much smoke there there has to be some kind of fire.

This is my question, too. If this is a violation of law, then someone somewhere has the authority to do something. Who is that special someone? What triggers action? Do we need to get the ACLU involved? Twitter bomb the DOJ? Light the Bat Signal? SOMEONE HELP.

To complete the bad joke, the WaPo reports: “Enforcement measures are largely left to the head of the federal agency — in Conway’s case, the White House.”

Some people in Congress need to grow a fucking spine and start a formal investigation already.

These effen people think that they can get away with anything. And so far, they have.

Exactly! All of these blatant conflicts of interest keep popping up, and no one is going to do anything about it? It just sends me into rage mode waiting for the next small infraction to pop up, and nothing is done. Of course she is going to tweet this because she knows no one is doing anything about these. I feel

Unfortunately we are. It’s like a cop drink driving. No way any of his buddies is giving him a ticket and he knows it. It is really underscoring a real need for ethics oversight to be truly independent... not happening anytime soon though.

Yeah, actually, who does have standing to file suit here? Or would a federal judge have to be paying attention?

exactly, last i checked the GOP basically own everything in government and liberals hate guns, and we would basically have to try and win against a group made up of the best soldiers in the world. And the 2018 mid-terms even in the best possible scenario still have the GOP in control. so essentially everyone in

That’s what’s terrifying/frustrating, it seems like they’re stacking the cabinet etc. to essentially remove checks & balances, so that when we cry “you can’t DO that, that’s illegal!” they’re just like, “so?”

^this needs so much sharing

But honest question, what are we going to do about it? What are the next steps here? I feel like we are shouting into a void about federal law and ethics and its making me very tired.