Sadly, this is dead on. First move? Bye bye ethics committee! Corrupt bunch
Sadly, this is dead on. First move? Bye bye ethics committee! Corrupt bunch
Holy crap. People are terrified 24/7 that these old white asshats are going to start a war, take their health care away...literally destroy the world...
Hmm. So her daughter must have really sucked ass in the play.
Shove that olive branch up ur ass, bish.
Oh good god. Joy/Chris Hayes/Maddow/Lawrence is a damn necessity lately.
Im prescribed Adderall for a sleep disorder... ur scaring me :(
Early? How fast do you see it progressing/declining?
Im right there with ya if it helps any. Sounds like a lot of people are. How is this happening?
Amen to this. They all keep walking on eggshells and making sure to always give him credit for doing something halfway sort of normal if they criticise him so they look fair... only to have him call them fake news bc they dont worship him. It is madness
This is dangerous and he needs a psych eval.
IKR? none of them mind that we are now paying for the stupid thing, bc he’s saying Mexico will pay for it—as he pisses away billions of taxpayer dollars.
that he’s fking crazy.
Coal minin’ jobs are comin back! Bc old white racist dudes are entitled to their obsolete, decent paying, no skill jobs that robots can do.
And what if Trump loses in court? Does anything happen to him? What we really need is impeachment or imprisonment. Seriously. This is not about politics. This is dangerous.
He started calling it that right before doubling the price. If you want access, there’s your wink wink. I am absolutely disgusted that the GOP, FBI, and CIA are enabling this.
Also, look at the size of his hands compared to Obama’s in any of the pics from that day. Tehe!
Fk Rubio. And Graham. And McCain. Every damn day is the day they might sprout some balls and a conscience and say no to this shitshow. Yet it NEVER actually happens. They own all this shit too
YEP. JUST PUT THIS TOGETHER TOO. They will act like heroes if it becomes inconvenient to enable him, and go along w impeachment. I hope the FBI/CIA isnt ‘investigating’ until the minute he butts heads with the GOP. But Ive become SO suspicious. You need how many MONTHS/YEARS to investigate what he’s obviously…