
Now THAT'S a Ken BURNs

Obligated or not, as a documentary love AND baseball junky I'm very excited for this addition.

Taking the high road is certainly the more noble path, but if Donald Trump style bullying is what people are receptive to nowadays, maybe it's time the left finds someone who isn't afraid to go for the throat. Of course, this raise some uncomfortable questions about mob mentality and whether or not we've really

As good as anything on the internet…

I'm a lion fan, and now that they're gone I'm pulling for the cowboys if only because Dak + Elliot rocketed 50 Shades of Brady, my fantasy team, to the top of my league in a stunning win over the Goobers Galore.

That distant chant you hear of "VOLTRON VOLTRON VOLTRON" getting louder and louder is me.

That wasn't milk

I grew up on King of the Hill and while I never hated it, I think I just wasn't the right age for the show. Not in a sense that it was filthy, or whatever, but that it's really a show you learn to appreciate as you get older. What elevated KotH to its current slot on my top animated shows was when I went back and

I'm pretty sure Burr shot Hamilton because he gave his Gentleman's F to Theodosia ten years prior.

As bad as the trailers made this movie look, I was at least hoping it would have some kind of schlocky 50s era horror vibe that makes it fun to watch intoxicated. Very disappointed to learn this doesn't seem to be the case.

Another one I just thought of that I'd genuinely enjoy, Coma Girl by Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros.

Waterloo by ABBA

Wait you mean Peter Cushing wasn't playing a time traveling zombie version of himself in Rogue One? Shit, now I have to bump that movie's grade down a full letter.

You're guilty of… PURGERY!
*Atticus kicks boo radley off penthouse balcony*

*clinking bottles on fingers*
Warriors come out and purrrrrge

I just came home from therapy and I did not need that existential depression. Fuck.

I can't wait for comrade Yeltsin Jöhn to play his hit "Saturday Night's alt-right alt-right"

Film major here. Fully agree. In college I made it a point to "challenge" myself to by being brutal in editing both the script and actual film.
Homer may have taken 1000 pages to pen the Iliad + Odyssey, but we are far from Homer and there's no reason a good film can't be made great by being 120 mins AT MOST. Ditto a

I liked (loathed) reading my twitter feed and seeing all the millionaire GOP politicians support (decry) the call for empathy and human decency. It was comforting (terrifying) to see our president elect make a statement (throw a temper tantrum) while community leaders (sycophants) made grand proclamations (veiled