
I have full faith and confidence in the Lion's ability to either clutch the game and take it all the way to the super bowl, or blow it like Tony Romo. There just can't be any in between it seems /:

This album is pure fire and was a pleasant surprise to start of the new year. I predict great things for 2017's music.

That sounds a lot like the ritual of the paddling of the swollen ass.

Uh yes, and! Uh yes, and!

I'll pull a Tobias and use it every other phrase at my local Methodone Acting Clinic.

Wow THE Great Boos Up replying to a comment made by a lowly newcomer like me? There's no way you can be as popular as you say you are.

Well I don't know about you folks, but I'm very excited for her new project "Be Mean or Die Trying Girl(s) 2."

Agreed, it's just I'm not sure I'm ready to bow down to our new Black Labelâ„¢ overlords. I'm afraid of commitment.

Long time Clubber, first time commentor. I decided to make an account, because the commentariat is easily the best thing about this website and this website is genuinely a favorite of mine (Hormel Bacon notwithstanding). Happy New Years everyone! I'm stoked to sell my soul and become a regular here.

Utahn born to Canadian parents here; it'll be a cold day in hell before I take the e out of judgement! *spits into spittoon*