
Just have several typewriters surrounding you in a circle. Problem solved.

I'm sure it was a combination of this and the fact Dan Harmon likes to *very mrs. lovejoy voice* drinky drinky

Haha light-hearted fun! Ignore the fact this is an idiotic idea hahaha!
I want off this wild ride.

Overall average episode, but I did love how Bob's Burgers managed to engross me in the yogurt thief case. Gene needs to affect that southern accent more often in the future. Also, Zeke had some stellar one liners—a particular favorite of mine was his response to the revelation the judge stole the yogurt:
"I looked up

Cheech & Chong: Doobie-ous: Origins: Sativarine

God that was an absolutely amazing episode. From start to finish it was just—perfect. Excellent joke density and I absolutely love RSR. Best moment was easily Louise talking to him about eating boogers
"So you want a wet one? Dry one?"
"Uhh I feel sick. But maybe there's something to eating boogers. You skin is healthy,

This game was arguably one of the best Super Bowls in recent memory. It's a little disappointing the Falcons were miscoached and let the last quarter slip through their fingers, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Just wait until they cast Bannon and Baio as the Male and Female leads.

Where the Red Fern Grows took a weird turn when the kid takes his dog out back to get indoctrinated.

Warning Leaked Lyrics:
War scene
War scene
We're gonna have a war scene
War scene
War scene
An "we've always been at war" scene

Oh sweet jesus I can see it now:
*far future*
Children: Papa, tell us of the Fratbro Uprising
Grandfather: Well kids you see, Natty Light aired a vaguely anti-trump add, so Delta Kappa Phi and the Douche Crew got together for Spring Break '17 and devised their famous plot in the backroom of a long abandoned Hooters

It's almost like the internet was a mistake.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this. I love Villeneuve, but Dune seems like a cursed idol at this point.

If they haven't yet, I hope The Onion breaks character and writes a response article titled Village Idiot Can't Google Definition of Satire and it's just a screencap of his RT of them.

Having fun isn't hard and when you've got a library card

Lacks John Goodman ergo I don't believe the Coen Brothers had ANYTHING to do with this. FAKE NEWS.

They have. It's the AltNatParkSer account, there's now also one for the national forest service. Both accounts plus numerous NPS official accounts have been tweeting nonstop climate change facts and how it impacts our parks.

God damn between this and the National Parks Service going rogue, I have some hope in the humor of this country.

I wasn't aware of the existence of that letter. That's actually super cool, and I'm actually not too shocked Huxley would keep in touch with Orwell. That theory also plays into the political theory that authoritarian states tend to shift gears in order to maintain total dominance. For instance, a state that ascended

True, but then again, I'd rather drown than be set on fire, so I'm not sure if that's much of a consolation.