

Two things:

All I want is a way to scroll through Netflix without having to feel rushed to move onto the next option before the auto-play starts. :/

One note does not require an office 365 account.

I am the same way. I keep switching podcast players since none of them seem to be perfect. I have been using Player FM for awhile now because I like the interface. If you haven’t checked it out already, it is worth a shot.

Pocket Casts! I’ve been using it for years and it works brilliantly. Highly recommended. My only gripe has been that while listening to a podcast, it doesn’t attenuate the podcast audio for notifications and announcements (i.e. navigation apps). Instead it pauses the podcast for the notification which can sometimes be

I have a few irritants that keep me from using it: lack of signature support, I want to have the default "get rid of it" button delete rather than archive, and it really doesn't play well with other rules that put multiple labels on an email.

You can also still send messages from the site, whereas that function was removed from the app. So it can actually replace two apps!

I've said this before, but I'm going to put another plug for it here because it's relevant: As an alternative, you can just use Facebook's mobile site and uninstall the app. It requires fewer permissions, is nicer on your battery, and works almost exactly like the native app—you'll barely even notice you're using a

I'll tell you one thing to buy at Costco, the rotisserie chicken. At around $5, that shit is GOOD and much cheaper than local grocery stores. Yeah, we can buy/cook it ourselves, but for a quick, already cooked, chicken dinner, it's hard to beat.

PHP is really easy and makes a good start - it probably hasn't been suggested much because people seem to hate on the fact that inbuilt functions seem to take parameters at random and the naming schemes aren't good. Apart from the fact that OOP seems to be bolted on top & isn't really part of the core language its a

On a related note... I had to have that father-son talk with my oldest, who's 13 now, last summer...

Evernote has a similar plug-in for Chrome. I'd prefer that as I doubt Evernote will be "End of Lifed" like Reader, Wave, and many other Google Products. I really doubt that Keep will be around for the long haul.