Uh, also can you call it an apology if he never, not once said he was sorry but did find a way to talk about how admired he is twice?
Remember how we said there could never be a president worse than Dubya? This is kinda like that. The universe seems determined to blow past all previously established superlatives.
Yeah, but what’s her take on a 4-3 defensive scheme with Manti Te’o at the Mike?
There’s far too many gender issues in this story than one could unpack in ten lifetimes.
You know when you post a comment and someone’s reply gets a ton more stars than your original comment? This would be an appropriate time for that sort of thing.
That’s so cute. Now they both have more rings than the Dodgers.
What a dumbass. If he had just beaten up his girlfriend or child like a normal NFL player instead of smoking weed, he would have been reinstated a lot sooner.
Oh, I’m not saying it is a rational response, just the response I am confident I would make. And I wouldn’t convict someone else for doing the same if I’m on the jury. This may not be a popular take, but it is absolutely how I feel about this particular topic. It almost happened to me as a 6 year old in a grocery…
I’m a neutral fan and this game has me shook. I don’t care if the baseballs are juiced, that was awesome.
If you were to tell somebody that the Dodgers scored 12 in a game started by Kershaw, NOBODY would believe you if you said they lost.
It’s fine. She was dressed in a way that was inviting this to happen.
Will always enjoy the Deadspin staff thinking they are somehow above the Barstool staff. The moral superiority is hysterical.
How many Barstool employees have you actually met?
The opener really hit home for me too. I was a real asshole for most of my late teens and early thirties. Gay jokes, sexualizing women, being angry about being put in the friend-zone - pretty much all of the things.
I mean I get what you are trying to say, but as a divorced 34 year old someone choosing a job over a marriage happens fairly frequently. Sometimes it’s an escape for a failed marriage and maybe his unhappiness in marriage led to all the work he put into Barstool, so in a round about way it’s all his ex-wife’s fault.…
Is “divorced” an insult? A lot of people get divorced. He’s been respectful of his ex-wife as far as I know, and she still tweets support for his site.
The football talk just seems so insignificant and out of place after that intro.