
Counterpoint: He is a great author. It is just fun to attack him because he is popular and writes in a way that is accessible for most of us. So he did not nuance the rule enough. Big deal.

As Homer Simpson pointed out, waiting laws are ridiculous when you are angry right now.

You are just really late with this joke. 10 other beat you to it.

Sounds like enough to go on. Let’s tar and feather the guy who she worked with later when she was a big star and hope you got the timeline right.

All the money I pay for this site and they are still bugging me with ads. It is maddening.

I don’t compare Spencer to the AG, either. JFK pointed out that there are various degrees of evil and I do think there is a risk of painting them all with the same brush.

I disagree because I don’t even think Trump is a racist as much as someone who tolerates him because it helps him — which is the only true belief he has. But I am not unsympathetic to your point.

You need two understand the gist of what I was saying instead of tacking these details.

I don’t know. I think we have to differentiate the good guys, the bad guys, and the really bad guys.

You are number 4 to catch that. I don’t no what I was thinking

I don’t no.

I see what I did there!

I think the fairer thing to say is that he has taken positions inconsistent with civil and human rights as I see them. There is real evil out there. Let’s not confuse moderate evil with extreme evil.

I’ll push back on that a little. He has taken positions against civil rights, particularly early in his career. Vile racist? That is way too harsh and it weakens the phrase when applied to actual Charlottesville type vile racists.

This could be right. Or it could be the guy is not all bad.

I don’t think he is that evil. I don’t like Jeff Sessions but let’s not demonize him. (And, remember, Trump hates him which makes him cuter.). I think it is one of those broken clock is right twice a day type things. Let’s just take it and be happy.

Setting aside the insanity of your last point, I agree. But it is tough on a kicker to miss from that distance twice. You wanna be 40% from there which means that more often than not, you will hit one if you get two chances.

I’m starting to feel like no one is saying what they actually mean.

I know and I’m not person who speaks up when it goes without saying. I just feel so much for the kid and I’m just so bitter and how he got away with it. He sucks now and I really enjoy that.

I’m not going to be the “this is in bad taste” guy on Deadspin. I’m not. But I do feel so awful for that child and every child in that situation.