For me the sweetest moment came in New York when a woman came up to me in a record store and said, ‘So all those things in ‘Ironic’ aren’t ironic.’ And then she said, ‘And that’s the irony.” I said, ‘Yup.’
For me the sweetest moment came in New York when a woman came up to me in a record store and said, ‘So all those things in ‘Ironic’ aren’t ironic.’ And then she said, ‘And that’s the irony.” I said, ‘Yup.’
Get out of the weeds, man. It is is a song.
You wife likes kicking a guy when he is down.
I want to argue with you and I did not know she was a birther...she seems nice?
Yeah, yes. He owns the team. They won under him but no before. He gets credit. It is not always entirely fair or even causally related. But this is how the world works.
Ultimately, the VBAC can really increase the risk if things are going the wrong way. I’m willing to defer to the OB absent some really good evidence. Would like to be a ton this case goes nowhere fast.
I remember when 538 was running numbers on winning the nomination and Trump was at .5%. I swear I was literally concerned about that .5%. Huckabee and Cruz were much higher and I paid them no mind. I was worried about the .5%. And, inexplicably, it just grew and grew. It was like losing ten hands in blackjack in a…
Why not brag about it again? This website wants to jump-start the Cultural Revolution and it has some disciples.
He obviously did it in a way that did not offend Steph at all and he resigned.
Why because she married for money? She did, clearly. But she seems like a nice enough person. I’m not imputing to her all of the awful that is Donald Trump.
I disagree. LeBron has impossible physical gifts but the greatness of them is that he is incredibly tall and incredibly strong. (Isiah Thomas is a much better pound-for-pound athlete. We would not know the name LeBron if he was under 6 foot. ) Those gifts do not lend itself to running at 4:30.
Sure, there is a certain hypocrisy in it all, right? I think Bonds is a worse person than let’s say Zeke Elliott who is probably (again, how knows?) a worse person who does more things I would characterize as evil. I mean, what is worse, beating women or just being a jerk. And it is all because some people play the…
This SI cover proves Bonds was a victim. He was singled out because.... sportswriters had star athletes?
He treated people with contempt. Not just reporters. I’ve seen that guy followed with a camera. Do you really think there is any chance he is a nice human being? Teammates did not stand behind that guy for a reason
I think we have flushed out all of the relevant arguments.
but I REVELED in the mass hand wringing about Bonds overtaking McGwire, who was obviously a fucking cheater to, just a nice white one so it was more OK...
I’m with you.
He makes it if he starts in the minors at 18, right?
You believe steroids impacted his power? That is a pretty hot take.
Towering achievement. No doubt. It was unreal. But should he be the record holder? No.