You know nothing about first person/third person forensics. I doubt you even took a college course on it.
You know nothing about first person/third person forensics. I doubt you even took a college course on it.
I worry he will never have any sunlight on his face. Hopefully, he will be content to let Gordon shine and walk a step behind.
Nonsense. He is the smartest basketball player in history. The fact that he happens to be the most physically gifted player in history is a total coincidence.
I feel like Peter King bashing has jumped the shark. I’m fine with him doing him. I’m also fine bashing Zeke for this play.
This comment is idiotic. But you could call a ham sandwich a racist on Deadspin and 50 guilty white people would give you a star.
Rob loved this medic chick. Jamie loves (loved?) Cersi. Jon Snow loved the girl with the red hair. Maybe Tyrion love Shay?
I think it is more complex that. He wanted to love her and possess her, right? Maybe more of the latter but it was both. Human desires are usually complicated.
As a fan, I really root for a more active players’ association.
That line grabbed me too and it is why I came to the comments. That is how a baller talks, man. Straight up baller.
Why do you have to call me out?
Great article. But I’m pushing back on the idea he did not want that job. He craved that job more than anything. That is a narrative I’ve heard him push. I would say the same thing. But it is nonsense.
I should have you up with a better straw man for that first paragraph. Because it is not responsive to my post.
Oh geez. Elites can be whatever they want.
I’m with you. Damn democracy. People not on the board are just stupid.
People are bundling up everyone that hate and putting them in the same box.
Put me down as just that stupid. You are conflating Trump and Bannon here. Trump is not for the rich or the poor. He is for advancing the ball for his greater glory. He would sell out the rich in a minute if it led to a bump in the polls or for the NYT to write an article noting what an amazing president he is.
I reject the hard-on this website has to excuse the steroid era. I’m not saying this in a moralist way. I would have taken them, I’m sure. But it did wildly distort the stats it a way that is distinguishable from expansion seasons and any other not drug induced differences in the game.
No doofus. Stay with me. Do you really think that everyone in an NFL locker room is mentally strong? You think Ray Lewis looked around at his teammates and was like, “Yeah, all of your are mentally as tough as I am.” You need to have SOMETHING special to compete at a high level at anything. If you run a 4.3 40 and…
We are acting like they are special? Well because they are. You wanna say well they got all of the advantages so of course they are doing well. But here is the thing: you can explain anything away that way, making any conversation moot. If I had Michael Jordan’s genes and upbringing, I would be him. So if this is the…