
I did not know that.

You understand nothing about sports. The “all great athletes tune it out” is just wrong on so many levels. You think great players cannot ever be distracted. Do you have any idea of how dumb this thinking is? Seriously? You are really stupid Black Frank.

You never played a sport dude.

I don’t wildly disagree. The world is not fair. Of course, they had better opportunities. I’m not saying they are inherently smarter. I’m saying they are smarter. Period. In no small measure from the advantages the rich have and will always have.

Higher starting salary has nothing to do with final success. This article means absolutely nothing

Usually, if you get into Harvard, you are not an idiot. Basically, I’m sick of everyone trying to invalidate successful people. I didn’t go to Harvard or Yale. But I respect that heck out of people who got in. Statistically, they are smarter than other people. Yeah, you knew a guy who knew a guy who knew an idiot from

You read his essay and have no meaningful thoughts about it. How is this so? Why do you disagree with his “consideration of the lobster”?

Little harsh bro. I’m glad someone went back there and wrote about it. I’m glad we are still talking about that epic essay and Wallace.

If you want to get on, let’s say the Supreme Court, you better do better than just mid-tier Ivy League.

Scoring Ivanka was pretty sweet get.

This is how the world works. Might not be the best way but it is how the world works.

Paragraph breaks are money

This is true. All Latin American strongmen sent their nephews to get treated in Cuba.

I read your comment. And I’m tired.

The proof is ultimately in the pudding, right? If Harvard grads would stop being so damn successful, that would help put this taint on them. Otherwise, they might keep rolling.

Do you have a blonde ponytail? Because you remind me of the guy who was the recipient of Will Hunting’s “How Do You Like Them Apples?”

I once really liked Jaws. Now I can’t stand him. I don’t know what happened there.

Maybe one pumps up the team. I don’t know. But I’m fine with you bigger point in the last post.

I’m okay with your point framed that way.

Because everyone is talking about it. It creates a buzz