
I agree no decent person can. And we absolutely should re-evaluate Jefferson, Washington, and other venerated historical figures for their failure to do what is right when others in their generation saw this issue for what it is. But I’m still not sure how you get a state to get rid of these monuments and symbols if

Wait! I’m thrilled that the tide has turned on this. But what else can the Washington Post say? If a state’s leaders want to continue to parade around these kinds of monuments, what is the path to stopping them? Ultimately, there is none. We can and should use boycotts and other economic weapons to push them down

Can you at least — at a minimium — concede the weakness of your Super Bowl ring argument? I know we are just writing on the fly. But it is wildly dumb, right?

Having a family IS distracting. It really is. Does not mean you shouldn’t and it does not mean Bennett shouldn’t protest. But both are distractions. The latter is distracting to others.

But if I can find others with Super Bowl rings who say otherwise, then that would be a draw, right? We would have to drop the Super Bowl rings test and just rely on logic, right?

I agree. I’ll even change my name to Ronnn

Physical v. mental, man

But it is not distracting at all. It is ordinary and they have been hearing it before games their whole lives. You have lots of simple answers that seem to be logical before you really think about it for 5 seconds.

It was Vince Carter. The concern was how it distracted his teammates.

Also, Jerry singing had no impact on the psyche of the team. It is not distracting in a way that making a political statement like that would be. If you can’t see the difference, we are going to struggle.

He also went to graduate from college came back for a Game 6 or 7 and they lost and everyone pointed to the distraction.

Should be is the operative word. Let’s live in the real world.

How specifically is looking at us differently? Name one person and the direct impact it will have. You can’t. But we know it is very real. That is the point. It is intangible but very real.

Yes, everyone is taunting and making fun of him. Every guy here is thinking just what a loser he is.

I could be wrong but I think it is all just in fun. No one is judging him for it.

Could you make this picture bigger?

You earn that name Douche don’t you?

Is that that complicated for you? Really? You seem to misunderstand a concept. It is called context. Michael Bennett probably also has sex with other humans. If he does it on the field during a football game, it would be a problem.

I don’t like the optics of the towel. So, no it is not a blanket do whatever you want, I guess. I should have made clear that “do whatever you want” addressed that particular context with Cam meant that I thought all people could do whatever they wanted — like murder and whatnot — with my offering critical

Underrated joke.