Again, I think it is just one distraction of many that you are going to have with a roster as big as an NFL team does.
Again, I think it is just one distraction of many that you are going to have with a roster as big as an NFL team does.
Two things you can bank on: Pete supporting his players and denying 9/11.
I would not imply that. I think what is implicit in that is “I hate to lose and I can’t control my emotions as well as some other people” as opposed to whether how immature you are being a litmus test of how competitive you are
How does Trump being late to the party of condemning Nazis hurt the country? It is intangible. I can’t name one person I think will be impacted by it. But the impact is still very real.
Because distractions are an intangible thing. But player 42 might be made because he is in the alt right racist. If your job and purpose is to win football games, you want that racist focused. There are literally a million different permutations, but that is one possible example
My hot take is people would be more welcoming of her if she was as pretty as she used to be.
This is where I veer off. I say do what you want. Why must he face the music? Says who? You are probably some country club kid that played tennis?
I love Cam. You? I find you kinda annoying.
More popular on Deadspin. Okay, I’ll give you that. I think I would every single NFL coach which I think is probably a better sample.
There are other distractions to be sure. Players are more likely to be distracted by their kids or wives than what Michael Bennett does before a game. The question is not whether it has cataclysmic consequences. The question is whether it has some consequences.
It does not necessarily distract every player. It will distract some number of the 53. We can argue on how many. But there is no question some will be distracted.
Yes, I’m to blame there, Douche. It is so awful that a fan would ever focus on anything off the field.
All indications are what? All indications are these are human beings who get distracted by things that would distract human beings. Did you hear what Hue Jackson was saying about it? He worded it awful but he underscored what all coaches think: it is best that the players focus 100% on the game action with as few…
I think those speeches directed attention to the performance at hand where what Bennett does takes you away from it.
You don’t believe players can be distracted by things that take the focus off the field. I don’t oppose when Bennett is doing, there are things that are more important than the outcome of a football game (so far, preseason, too). Anyone who has played competitive sports on anything resembling a high level understands…
It does take away from focus because of the spotlight that gets put on it. Football coaches of all political persuasions do hate this stuff for a reason.
I think the towel is a bad idea. I can’t explain why I draw the line there but it does not seem like a dignified way to protest. It is not a hill I want to die on but I don’t like it.
Said he thought it was unfair. Not illegal.
“It really has spread to a small Balkan country that Eagles fans are that bad.”
He did not say that his 1st Amendment rights were violated. He said he was punished for exercising them. Important difference.