
Yes, I made a sweeping generalization in response to a sweeping generalization from someone who has not had the chance to go through all of the evidence. My guess is he did it because he has shown a penchant for finding trouble and where there is smoke there is typically fire. But I really don’t know so I would defer

It is the biggest which is harder to manage and its players have short life spans in the league. It will always be the worst union and this will always be the case.

Listen, I’d be quick to jump on with you. But ESPN is a sports network. Stating the obvious by making that the focal point would be unbelievably pandering.

I agree. I’m fine with players hitting and raping women. But don’t disrespect Merica.

False comparison. Big Ben is a stand-up guy who admitted raping women is wrong.

That’s right! The women are always lying in these cases, right? Why are they raking this fine young man with a spotless record over the coals like this? The inhumanity!

I think Hillary stupidly spoke the truth. I think half of his supporters are a basket of deplorables and the other half are not digging deep in to what Trump’s views are on race. They are not viewing him through that lens. Instead, they are buying the argument that our complex problems like our debt, health care, and

You did outside research? C’mon man. Let’s keep this fight fair.

I’m a Pats fan too. I also love Golden State and those lovable Cubbies.

Maybe he is just joking too and you are the one lacking the sense of humor. Possible right?

You are assuming I am white. Stephen Miller and I are both offended.

I don’t read them. I grab Drew’s jokes and get out. Even our comments suck on these.

This joke deserves more play

Good night to raise that. I’m going to the fair tonight with my best friend who is black and sees this the same as I do: most people are not racist.

Gosh, really? I love the place and I’m not a Nats fan. Some people just hate everything, man.

Nonsense. Racism is a real problem in this country. To say most people are racist because this country has a long history of racism is so glass is half empty. We just had a first black president. Interracial progress is real. Just because there are still awful problems does not mean most people are intrinsically bad.

No, it says a lot, actually. It is a big freaking deal to win a presidential election. This is not a profound statement but it is very true and “elucidates” a great deal.

You think most Americans are racists to a degree where they deserve that label. I disagree. I think most people are fundamentally good and decent people understand how wrong racism is in 2017.

Your second point is, of course, true. Your first point is true in many instances but not across the board. The funny thing is that I don’t think he is an insincere racist. I’m not sure he really holds racists views but pretends like he does for his own gain. (Yes, I realize this could actually be worse.)