

slightly offtopic: I drove to NYC all the way from Montreal when i was visiting you N.American friends.. and i just have one thing to say.. WHAT'S UP WITH PASSING ON THE RIGHT SIDE!?.. You must always pass on the left! That's like the universal (except n and s. america i guess) rule, that must never be broken (unless

Say Hello to 'Close Friends' & 'Acquaintances'... i got all my ''good'' friends = people i see/talk regularly in close friends list and the rest in acquaintances... this way you still have them when you need em but dont see the sh*t they post.

Probably the most useful Facebook feature so far.

''5. Is it just me or does it look like that rigid keyboard will scratch the nice shiny new screen?''....

Breaking??... happend like 10 hours ago.

Yes you can have a ''autobahn'' in America, but first you might want to start looking at how people get their driving licenses. In Germany (and Benelux) it's pretty hard get it.. there's no ''Wheee! i'm 16 now let's get a license in a week or two!"

Yah, don't let FB find out your using your ''normal'' account for ''page'' purposes.. it's not allowed.

Yah, Palestinians should give a damn about jews while they are being treated the same way Nazi's used treat Jews.

''Do you like the iPod?''... jesus what a moron.

Well if that's the ''World’s Most Stereotypical Lamborghini Owner'' then count me in as a fan.


Hate to say this but.. what about WP7?

And that's why i live in Europe, where Internet is free, prostitution is legal and weed is sold in places called ''Coffeeshop'' the only thing that's missing is rainbows shooting out of people's asses. :)

Well... sorta. If that guy has the money to put diamonds on a freaking headphones then yah he wont miss mil or two because people are not buying his cd's. I mean i feel the guy.. you work hard, you play hard. But what i hate is when these so called ''artists'' say: hey i got 240mil on my bank account but i still need

So what is the original iPad called now?... umm ''Original iPad'' ?

And that's why, lady's and gentleman, i illegally download music.

''Do you have any idea how much trouble they would be in if they sold that info illegally?''...

Nice move, Path.

Do you have any idea how an app is writen?.. exactly neither do i, bu i'm pretty sure things don't just happen on it's own. Those guy's built that in.. now they got caught and they are saying we deleted al and we never used it for anyhing else.. pinky swear!