
What really puzzles me is that Kyle call's those guys idiots/morons for sending ''dumb''/idiotic tweets.. seriously??? There are two morons in this story DHS and Kyle Wagner for actually agreeing with DHS's actions ... oh and i'll destroy America in the summer, come and get me. X

So why dont they just ban all US users?.. sounds fair to me.

wasnt there a research that showed that 150 friends is maximum people that you can ''follow''?..

How's dropping Nuke's classifies as saving lives??????... ahhh forget it, Americans and common sense, you'll find the end of a rainbow sooner than that.

Vacheron Constantin Tour de I'lle ... but more like $2million gorgeous.

The last one is i remember from Discovery channel, it's being used to test how (nuclear)bombs perform. The put this obstacles in a circle and let a rocket or bom hit it in the middle then they asses how the obstacles in different ranges survived the blast

Did you really just said we are nitpicking because YOU didn't do your homework?? "Just read these articles for some form of enjoyment''.. if i want some enjoyment i wont be looking for it on Giz that's for sure, i come here to read interesting stuff and i expect that stuff to be checked and then dubble checked,

uhhh.. yah or it's because Apple has.. let's see.. 6-7 different products? 2,2 procent out of multibillion revenue and you come up with few extra megapixels and Siri (wich is not even developed by Apple), icloud and iOS5. Apple is indeed trully innovative.

Sort of like that one time one country dropped 2 nukes on some other country..?

Spot on on almost everything except this: "But that doesn't matter to the IT manager who's had 10,000 workers with busted phones all day."

Make it 7, it costs about 150 euro's.

So you can listen to a couple million songs a month for 10 bucks and your bitching about 10 free songs that you wont get? I bet there's a picture of Roberto Baldwin next to 'Define: cheap ass'

In words of C.K "would you give it a second!?" just few hours ago you didnt had ANY abillity to see what your friends were listening to let allone join in with them and your already bitching about sharing and players??? Ughhh...

Shouldn't every one have that information?.. exactly. Why is it that Russia, America, Israel and others can have nuclear power but other's don't. Who decides that a country is not to be trusted?

Yah just like that video of the Apache heli that shot couple of journo's, Manning indeed didn't see any shit he mailed. He was just some loser information-annalist at DOD.

It's because of the people like you that this world is such a shithole that it has become right now. People who don't have the basic understanding of good and bad and yet have the ability to do both. People like you who rather be lied by their government and live like a sheep. The whole point of Manning's trial isn't

''There are simply too many things that don't work as they should.''.. uhhh, Really? Don't work 'as they should'... compared to what? FINISHED Product like iPad or Android tablet, right?

BM: "hypothetical question: if you had free reign over classified networks for long periods of time… say, 8-9 months… and you saw incredible things, awful things… things that belonged in the public domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC… what would you do?"

Strange that Americans are going to war thousands of miles away to bring piece and democracy, but when one of their own challenges those same principles in America, he get's lifetime in jail. :S