When you're with Walter Rohrl you dont need helmets. That's the amount of BAMF he brings to the table.
When you're with Walter Rohrl you dont need helmets. That's the amount of BAMF he brings to the table.
My only problem with this, his dad is buying his way into F1. It was not earned
Because they are not the owner but just the engineers who are not use to ''fame''.
I'm sorry you feel that way... but i guess like every other 'merican you have a hard time grasping the concept of people having different opinions.
You just can't handle the truth.. oh well, can't win 'em all.
Back at ya buddy. Go take a left turn to your daddy's [...*...]
i'm sorry but taking a constant left turn is just gay, even if your doing it at 1000mph. My opinion.
The Ten Toughest Turn in Motorsports...
Follow the lead you said?
It's already leaked pic
Well it might be like it is on Merc's. On my W203 i have sort of a TPMS and it works trough ESP. Its so sensitive that it can determine if your tire goes below set psi. So you just pump your tires to the right psi, reactivate the systeem and go. thats it.
new C-class will also have all-wheel drive and heads-up display.. ;)
2.5?? This Sam guy needs to take his head out of Kanye's ass.. (he's in love with the guy) and actually review the goddamn thing.
actually it's Windows 8 RT.. meaning it's got all the windows 8 goodies but runs on ARM.
Sam Biddle... used iPhone before and just bought the new iPhone5... ''reviews'' it and calls it ''the best smartphone ever made''. Yah, that's what you call journalistic integrity.
OK.. so the hard part is
I remember watching 'Senna' and what Prof. Watkins said when he arrived at Senna's crash... those words and that voice.. just goosebumps.
slightly offtopic: I drove to NYC all the way from Montreal when i was visiting you N.American friends.. and i just have one thing to say.. WHAT'S UP WITH PASSING ON THE RIGHT SIDE!?.. You must always pass on the left! That's like the universal (except n and s. america i guess) rule, that must never be broken (unless…
Say Hello to 'Close Friends' & 'Acquaintances'... i got all my ''good'' friends = people i see/talk regularly in close friends list and the rest in acquaintances... this way you still have them when you need em but dont see the sh*t they post.