Rom Romberts

The Clone Wars cartoon did a good job of telling the story of some people who just wanted to be left alone.

Did you see TFA. No one is in charge, they (The First Order) obliterated the new Republic, who were in charge following the demise of the Empire in ROtJ. But the Republic was largely pacifist, thus necessitating the Resistance who realized the looming threat of the First Order. This all takes place in the span of

I have a strong feeling that’s what the entire Canto Bight sequence was supposed to show. That yea, sure, the Resistance/Republic and the First Order are all duking it out in some life-or-death struggle to control the universe, but everyone else is just like, “Fuck it yo, I just want to make money, gamble and have a

Yeah, both this and TFA make this new war out to be a huge fucking deal that will have repercussions for the entire galaxy, but so far we’ve only seen two pretty small opposing forces chasing each other around the sticks of the galaxy.

I thought one of the more interesting bits was when Kylo wanted Rey to join him and together they would rule — THAT would be interesting to see ...

If Trump is unpopular, why does this cat look like this? If liberalism is popular, why does this cat look like this?

Also when hyperdrive kamikaze rendered basically every other form of space warfare obsolete

Wow. If you’ve lost Rom Romberts, you’ve lost America.

Ok...enough Internet for today....

+1 Call me when you finish this novel.

I just threw up in my mouth. Thanks for that.

Weird question: did you ever write a comment in this wonderful style about the future of humankind evolving into softly lit squares and being collected in massive nets for the evening (except for very old white men, for there will never be a future in which there are no very old white men)? It was on...I think an

I’m not really sure what I just read.


You’re a different species.

Can you send me your weed guy’s number?

You’re the current generation’s Lovecraft.

Freeway to Your Heart
Expressway to Yr Skull
Trunk Road to Yr Service Entrance